The creeping despotism in the land

Before then, however, I’ll like to say a few words about the increasing despotism of President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration, which is dangerously creeping into the polity. So far, eight instances of this despotism can be easily identified, virtually all of them to do with the president’s thinly disguised bid for re-election in 2015. There are […]

The creeping despotism in the land
The creeping despotism in the land

Before then, however, I’ll like to say a few words about the increasing despotism of President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration, which is dangerously creeping into the polity. So far, eight instances of this despotism can be easily identified, virtually all of them to do with the president’s thinly disguised bid for re-election in 2015. There are probably more, but each of these eight is enough cause for great worry. And each of them is one good reason why no one – probably not even the president’s own spokespersons – believes his persistent denial that he has made up his mind to seek re-election two years hence.

First, was the crude manner the authorities harassed a former minister of education, Mrs Oby Ezekwesili, over her claim a few months ago that President Jonathan blew the 67 billion dollars foreign reserve she said her principal, President Olusegun Obasanjo, left behind in 2007. Given the monumental corruption that went on in her time in spite of all the rhetoric about “due process” in carrying out government business, Mrs. Ezekwesili’s claim may sound holier-than-thou. Still it is instructive that officials of the administration are yet to pick her up on her challenge to a debate over her claim. Instead she’s been set upon by a half-hearted move to investigate her tenures at the education and solid minerals ministries.
Second, was the ban by the National Film and Video Censorship Board of a 30-minute documentary by one, Ishaya Bako, on corruption in the oil sector, titled “Fuelling Poverty.” Reminiscent of the famous documentary on the same theme titled “The squandering of Riches” by the broadcaster-turned musician, Onyeka Onwenu (One Love),  Bako’s documentary sought to raise questions about corruption and impunity in the oil sector going up to the highest levels of government. He sought the censor’s permission in November to screen it locally. He was denied the permission last month. Instead, the censors accused him of producing a documentary “that was highly provocative and likely to incite or encourage public disorder and undermine national security.”
Predictably, the ban has proved futile; the documentary has since gone viral on the internet.
Third, was the Gestapo-style invasion of Leadership newspaper last month by the police over its story that the president has issued a directive that every means, fair and foul, must be used to stop the new opposition party, the putative All Progressive Congress made up of the country’s three leading parties and dissenting groups from the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, from emerging. Four of the newspaper’s staff were whisked away into detention before two were released on the same day. The other two were held incommunicado for days for refusing to disclose the identity of the sources for their story until public outcry forced the police to do what they should have done in the first place; charge them to court within 48 hours.
The two have since faced prosecution for allegedly forging the president’s signature on the document the newspaper published as its evidence for the veracity of their story following its denial by the presidency.
Fourth, is the invitation of the former governor of Zamfara State, Senator Ahmed Sani Yarima, by a security agency for interrogation over his statement in a phone-in a programme on a Kaduna-based radio station that there will be mass protests in the country if APC is refused registration. Fifth, there was the ridiculous one million Naira fine of Liberty Radio in Kaduna by the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission, again for airing the opinion of a listener who said the country’s projects assessment tour by the minister of information, Mr. Labaran Maku, was a waste of public funds.
Sixth, there was the initial suspension of the spokesman of the National Emergency Management Agency, Yushau Shuaib, for writing an article which accused our super minister, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, of carrying out an ethnic agenda in appointments in the parastatals under her finance ministry. The suspension was said to be at her behest. Not-so-inexplicably, the otherwise suave minister took the cue from her principal when she seized the opportunity of a public lecture late last month to say she did not give a damn what anyone thought of how she ran her charge.
Seven, there was the recent suspension of the chair of the FCT branch of petroleum station workers arm of the National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG), Aminu Hussaini, for petitioning the National Assembly against the presidential pardon granted the former governor of Bayelsa State, Chief Diepriye Alamieyesiegha and the former Managing Director of the collapsed Bank of the North, Alhaji Bulama Shettima. The suspension was handed down by, of all people, the NUPENG leadership. Wherever he is, I am certain Mr Frank Kokori, the fire-brand former secretary general of the union, must be wondering what has become of his union which was in the forefront of the fight for democracy under the military.
I can go on and on with other examples including the recent grounding of the Rivers State governorship’s aircraft by the aviation authorities on the strange ground that it is an “illegal immigrant” when everyone knows there’s no love lost between the state’s governor, Mr Rotimi Amaechi, and the president. However, I’ll end my list with only one more. And this is the most dangerous of them all. These were the remarks Honourable Kingsley Kuku, the Special Adviser to the President on Niger Delta and Chairman of the Presidential Amnesty Programme, made at an interactive with senior officials of the American State Department in Washington DC late last month.
“If,” he said among other things, “we allow anything to hurt the peace in the Niger Delta, Nigeria’s economy will be endangered and energy security in Nigeria and even America will not be guaranteed. The attention and interest of the U.S. in Nigeria must remain the stability of the Niger Delta and the easiest way to ensure this is to encourage President Jonathan to complete an eight-year term.”
His earlier remarks were even more categorical. “Permit me,” he had said, “to add that the peace that currently prevails in the zone is largely because Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, who is from that same place, is the President of Nigeria. That is the truth. It is only a Jonathan presidency that can guarantee continued peace and energy security in the Niger Delta.”
For sheer brazenness as an egregious piece of blackmail, this is hard to beat. It also clearly explains why Nigeria is in so much trouble; the only thing that matters in the eyes of the Kukus who have been in charge of this country since 2011 is not your performance but where you come from.
God help us all.
And now to the few of the reactions to my columns since March 27
On Achebe
Good piece! Achebe is the greatest, he gets to our soul. (Professor Wole) Soyinka writes for the literati only. Content should be form. We are all tribalist.
Kufre Simon, Eket
This piece on Achebe is by far the best among your series in a long while. Let your Yoruba accusers know that you are an Ibadan (Mokola) son.
Professor Adeyemi Aderibigbe.
Achebe is a story teller while Soyinka is a lecturer. We all love story tellers because they put you in the middle of your stories while you red along.
On Amnesty for Boko Haram
My advocating for a high ranking Muslim officer to take charge of the operation, is because of its sensibility and the nature of the operation that requires good intelligence which by and large has to come from the local community. So when you have the ‘son of the soil’ in-charge people will be more abiding and willing to cooperate. You will also neutralize the element of sabotage from miscreants in the security setup itself. A lot of the atrocities committed are by these people.
Ahmad Gummi
I stand by Gumi: no amnesty for these creatures! If they are given amnesty, believe me we will have to fight them ourselves. The killers of Sheikh Ja’afar will NEVER know peace. I am ready to die fighting these lunatics.
As for Soyinka and the southern press, no words to waste.
+23480 66771572.