The Dangers of Distracted Truck Driving

Distracted driving is a common cause of road accidents involving trucks. From chatting while driving to operating under the influence, there are many forms of distracted behavior that can lead to serious accidents. “Every driver owes it to other road users to pay full attention while driving. Failure to do so can endanger both the […]

The Dangers of Distracted Truck Driving

Distracted driving is a common cause of road accidents involving trucks. From chatting while driving to operating under the influence, there are many forms of distracted behavior that can lead to serious accidents.

“Every driver owes it to other road users to pay full attention while driving. Failure to do so can endanger both the driver and others,” says Attorney Jim Hurley of Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers. According to data released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a total of 3,142 deaths resulting from distracted driving was recorded by the agency in 2019. Therefore, the NHTSA has made it a point of duty to lead national efforts toward curbing distracted truck driving and ensuing accidents.

The size of the vehicles in a distracted driving crash affects its impact. For instance, if a truck driver gets distracted and collides with a smaller car, the fatality rate will be higher than when two trucks collide.

What is Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving is when a driver diverts their attention to other things while driving. For example, texting or answering phone calls, talking with passengers, drinking or eating, and watching entertainment could all divert a driver’s attention from the road.

When drivers engage in other activities that pull their attention from driving, it increases the risk of a crash. An experienced accident lawyer can help you file for damages if you are the victim of a distracted truck driving accident.

Common Causes of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving can occur due to the following reasons:

  • Use of cell phones: most drivers have a hard time ignoring their cell phones while behind the wheel. Accidents are likely to occur when drivers take their eyes off the road to respond to text messages or answer calls.
  • Entertainment: while driving, some drivers take their eyes off the road to adjust the music on the stereo. A few seconds of looking elsewhere is enough to collide with another vehicle
  • Talking to other passengers: there are better times to engage in serious conversation than when driving. It is not inappropriate to see drivers conversing with passengers while driving. However, drivers should avoid conversations that take their eyes away from the road, as this can lead to accidents.
  • Eating or drinking: Drivers may need to bring food and drink while on the road. However, eating or drinking while driving can distract them and result in a crash.
  • GPS: Drivers traveling to unknown locations usually use a GPS to navigate their way. Checking the GPS locator while driving could distract them and lead to an accident.

Ways to Prevent Distracted Truck Driving

There are several ways truck drivers can prevent distracted driving, including the following:

#1. Avoid Multitasking While Driving

Drivers should avoid multitasking while behind the wheel. If you must answer a phone call, stop the vehicle by the side of the road or pull into a rest stop and attend to your call before continuing the journey. Be careful that you don’t pull over in a busy driving area. Additionally, reading, texting, emailing, and adjusting the mirror should be done before or after the trip to avoid causing a car crash.

#2. Speak Up

Passengers and other road users who observe that the driver is distracted can call attention to it and caution them to keep their eyes on the road. That way, they save themselves and other road users.

#3. Assist the Driver

Suppose there are things to do while on the journey, such as checking the GPS, picking up calls, or adjusting the side mirror. The passenger can assist the driver in these activities so that the driver can focus entirely on driving.

#4. Secure all Objects

Securing objects in the car will ensure that they do not fall off during the journey, thereby distracting the driver. Additionally, it is a good idea to carefully organize paper documents to prevent them from flying out the window.

#5. Take Enough Rest

The law states that truck drivers may drive for a maximum of 11 hours a day or 70 hours a week. This rule ensures that truck drivers have enough rest and do not become overly tired while on the road. This increases their level of alertness, thereby reducing the chance of a distracted driving accident.

Filing for a Distracted T ruck Driving Claim

Individuals who have been injured or suffered other losses due to the negligence of a distracted truck driver can file for compensation. Compensation for claims of this nature will cover medical bills, lost wages, and car repairs where necessary. The court may also award the claimant compensation for non-economic damages such as emotional and psychological pain.

Navigating cases like this may be difficult, especially if the claimant does not have a legal background. Therefore, if you are a victim of an accident resulting from distracted driving, consult an experienced accident attorney to help you through the process of filing for compensation.

Consult a Lawyer on Distracted Truck Driving Cases

Crashes resulting from distracted truck driving can lead to severe injuries and property damage. When an accident occurs from distracted truck driving, the at-fault driver is expected to compensate the victims. Retaining a legal representative to handle your case and communicate with insurers could be key to recovering the compensation you deserve.