The deities are angry

So, all of a sudden the vexed issue of the Hausa/Fulani hegemony disappeared from our daily conversations with the emergence of a ‘liberal’ scion of the Danfodio Dynasty. So, suddenly it does not matter that both candidates of the dominant parties are descendant of the Futa Jallon warriors with an ancestral “agenda to Islamize Nigeria” […]

The deities are angry
The deities are angry

So, all of a sudden the vexed issue of the Hausa/Fulani hegemony disappeared from our daily conversations with the emergence of a ‘liberal’ scion of the Danfodio Dynasty.

So, suddenly it does not matter that both candidates of the dominant parties are descendant of the Futa Jallon warriors with an ancestral “agenda to Islamize Nigeria” and even the argument that the Miyetti Allah creed runs in all Fulanis now has exemption.

So all the while the acerbic media attack is not about Nigeria but individual interest. Or how do you explain the chummy relationship and convergence of strange bed fellows around a particular candidate that these same elites viciously vilified and denied the opportunity of leading this great country in the past?

What has changed to warrant the U-turn? While it will be naive to underrate the capacity of the elite and out -of -favour politicians to return the country to their preferred status quo, it is equally important to note that the level of political consciousness amongst Nigerians is higher than they imagine.

Just as the political class is united in their greed, resource poor productive Nigerians who incidentally are in the majority are also comfortable with the present state of affairs.   For the poor, President Muhammadu Buhari is their Champion. They see in him and rightfully so a privileged man who deliberately committed class suicide by making the corrupt rich cry.

They see a father figure and role model who is allergic to corruption and primitive accumulation of wealth and for this, they are willing to go the whole hog with President Buhari. They are embolden by AMCONs’ revelation of about 200 chronic elite debtors holding Nigeria by the jugular with over nine hundred billion naira unpaid loan.

They are acutely aware of some privileged clerics who were enjoying state welfare in cash and kind and all manner of tax wavers for their private jets and imported goods under the previous administration. They are conscious of the fact that some people’s oil licenses will not be renewed on expiration by the present administration .

They are also aware that the TSA dealt a cruel blow to the banks and corrupt civil servants. They are also in the know of the anger and frustrations of hangers on female escorts and attaches of government officials on official assignment abroad before Buhari came on board. Mr. President’s supporters who are in the majority are fully aware that the Dieties and Principalities are angry and are determined to take out their common enemy by whatever means. But Guess What! The People are waiting with their PVCs to tell the world that they are with President Buhari.


Malam Ibrahim Kindo, Abuja.