The divine’s shade of the Last Day (III)

We began by analysing the first quality and stopped after narrating the story of one of the prophet’s companions, Abubakar Sadiq (RA), who personified just leadership.Nevertheless, the need for leaders to demonstrate considerable sense of justice and fairness is not just restricted to administrative office holders alone. It also cut across everyone who in one […]

The divine’s shade of the Last Day (III)
The divine’s shade of the Last Day (III)

We began by analysing the first quality and stopped after narrating the story of one of the prophet’s companions, Abubakar Sadiq (RA), who personified just leadership.
Nevertheless, the need for leaders to demonstrate considerable sense of justice and fairness is not just restricted to administrative office holders alone. It also cut across everyone who in one way or the other authorises and deliberates on issues be they domestic or official. Therefore, everyone can be a leader by virtue of his ability to preside in any decision making process no matter how tenuous such a decision might be.  According to the aforementioned Hadith, only leaders of these truly extraordinary qualities will be blessed with the Divine’s favour of the Last Day.
The second feature of the seventh is the person that starts worshipping Allah right from childhood, who also picks avid interest in praying, recitation of the Holy Qur’an and remained chaste and teetotal throughout his life. Individuals of such mindset are also counted among the beneficiaries of the gesture.
The third category is made up of individuals that cherish and enjoy visiting the mosque habitually. The rationale here is, if a person is a consistent mosque goer and indeed lover, and since mosque is a sacred place, he will be guarded always by the Divine against the instinct to commit sin. Achieving this pious status will automatically catapult one to the circle of the seven beneficiaries of Allah’s favour of the Last Day.
Then, the fourth category is of the two friends that share mutual love for the sake of Allah. They cultivate their friendship not on the basis of worldly desires, but on the principles of staunch obedience to the will of God and also, ready to discontinue, if one of them goes astray.  For this reason, Allah will reward them with His shady favour on the Last Day.
The fifth quality of the beneficiary constitutes the individual who is isolated, alone but goes deep in remembering Allah to the degree of shedding tears. A person of this calibre has a genuine mindset of fearing Allah – because his action is believed to be sincere, devoid of pretence or showboating.  So, by this merit, on the Day of Judgment, he will join the fold of the aforementioned seven individuals.
Next and the sixth individual to benefited from Allah’s gesture of the Last Day, is the young man that for fear of Allah, turned down an offer of sex from a dignified good-looking lady. It may appear onerous to overcome but if successfully surmounted, this uncommon feat will earn him the merit to reap Allah’s favour of the Last Day.
The final beneficiaries are those who offer alms with the right hand but incomprehensible to his left hand. The logic here is to stress the need for mankind to ensure absolute privacy and sincerity between man and his Creator while we engages in gestures like donations, philanthropy or benevolence.
A devout believer is one who works only to earn God’s pleasure and not attention from the public. So, according to the prophet (PBUH), individuals who have this feature in addition to this disposition are the occupants of Allah’s shady gesture of the Last Day – the day that is without succour except the one from it.