The emerging dictatorship

The reason was simple. To remove the speaker and install a new one or to say the least, allow may be the deputy speaker preside over the House as a sign that the speaker is no more cogent since his defection to the APC.The speaker was blocked at the entrance of the Assembly and had […]

The emerging dictatorship
The emerging dictatorship

The reason was simple. To remove the speaker and install a new one or to say the least, allow may be the deputy speaker preside over the House as a sign that the speaker is no more cogent since his defection to the APC.
The speaker was blocked at the entrance of the Assembly and had to walk in the rains of teargas towards the building and subsequently to the chamber. The speaker was tear-gassed and members of the House had to gain access by climbing the gate. This is unfortunate and a clear sign of the nature of regime in place.
Who told this government that legitimacy is earned through the deployment of brute force? Others that have tried same have fallen by the way side and this too shall come to pass.
The desperation and arrogance from this government is simply an expression of what time it is. That the days of this government are getting over and that whatever the case may be, the PDP is set to lose the central government of Nigeria.
This is a shame and one thing those in this government do not seem to understand is that the brutality it is displaying is further distancing it from the people. It is increasingly becoming unpopular and coupled with its baggage of liability, the 2015 elections if properly conducted, would surely give Nigerians a better alternative to this tragedy that has kept us sleepless in the last several years.
The government is shameless and clearly desperate. The brutality as the manifestation of the desperation is a pointer to the way out. While the government and its security agencies continue with their excesses, the speaker of the House in particular and the opposition in general, are gaining ground.
If what happened in the Assembly on Thursday is anything to go by, it should be clear to the government that in this battle against Tambuwal, it is a loser. It has lost and won’t make any headway. I pray that they continue to make mistakes because they are not willing to change for the good of the people.
Again, the government is shameless. It’s unfortunate. God save Nigeria.
…An Attorney of Ignorance

It was reported a few days ago that the Attorney General of Federation and Minister of Justice (AGF), Mr. Bello Adokie in conjunction with the Inspector General of Police (IGP), flatly refused an Abuja high court’s instruction that the security aides of the House of Representatives, Aminu Tambuwal be reinstated immediately. The AGF like his IGP collaborator said in clear terms that the speaker had lost his seat in parliament for defecting to another political party.
It is an irony that an informed lawyer of the status of the AGF, who doubles as a senior advocate, would make a pronouncement on matters that are already before the court of law. Does the position of the AGF preempt what verdict we are to expect from the courts on the substantive case before it? Does the statement by the AGF not amount to flagrant abuse of the nation’s judicial process?
I am happy that the National Assembly has proposed and approved the separation of the office of the AGF with that of Minister of Justice. This will go along way in curbing such excesses as we see from people like Mr. Adokie. It is unfortunate and unbecoming of the chief law officer of the federation to disrespect an order of a competent court. What happens if lesser mortals go the same way? The nation’s judicial system is certainly in serious disrepute from those who should protect and guide it.
The statement by Mr. Adokie is at best an exhibition and manifestation of what I call ‘Attorney of ignorance.’ This shows clearly how bad and weak our institutions are and why democracy is still a far cry in the country. The AGF must apologise to the nation for that abuse and immediately beg for pardon from Nigerians and he should remember that his is a transient position that was held by several others before him and others would be there after him but the injury he inflicts on the system will remain an integral part of our national history and he shall appropriately be judged as such.
A reminder to the AGF; He is not a court of law and should respect the judiciary even if a decision is against his interests and those of his bosses. Unfortunate you will say this is.