The end of the year

It came about that at the end of the year, animals began to look back on events so as to declare the year either bad or good. There was going to be jubilation and celebration; rejoicing and music; joy and mirth. Animals were going to forget for a few days that there were any problems, […]

The end of the year
The end of the year

It came about that at the end of the year, animals began to look back on events so as to declare the year either bad or good. There was going to be jubilation and celebration; rejoicing and music; joy and mirth. Animals were going to forget for a few days that there were any problems, forget the state of the farm’s leadership or the carcasses of animals scattered across the farm. 

To mark these celebrations animals ordered a lot of grain from outside the farm especially because White’s farm could not produce enough to feed all the animals. As bags of the grains were brought into the farm, one of White’s farm hands, a rat who was in charge of collecting duties levied on imported grain began to scream. The rat shouted, saying that he had found poisonous plastic grain. He shouted partly because he didn’t like the person bringing in the grains but mostly because he loved his lord and master, White. And he loved the farm so much that he reached the conclusion that the grains were plastic and he seized them. As animals panicked because of this rat, another farm hand, an ostrich in charge of the health of the farm, took some of the grains t his laboratory to cook them. The grains had neither poison nor plastic. So a representative of WHite’s farm management committee gave a speech about the grains:

“We in management, some of whom once told you to be very afraid about plastic grains are happy that you followed our instruction to panic. We value loyalty and value obedience. We want to now change the terms of this obedience. Having further tested the grains we have decided that obedience now means not panicking and remaining calm. We have tested the grains and you can now eat it. We admire your continued unquestioning attitude toward our government and our lord and master, White.”

Meanwhile a famous animal from WHite’s farm who was so famous for stealing he got jailed by a foreign farm. Borin Kunya had been carrying stolen grains when he was caught in a farm far away from WHite’s farm and tied up for many years. While he was on the farm, Borin was the head of an animal quarters in the marshy south of the farm which was the water source for all of the farm. Upon his release from being locked up for many years, animals began contemplating whether he would return and affect the race to replace White as farm manager.  

In the north west of the farm, where the crocodile quarters were, the crocodile leader with short legs and red lips, Sir Na who had supported the violence of wild dogs was now having to deal with growing restiveness of the crocodile population. The rumor was being passed that although Sir Na was a short crocodile, his mother was really a wild dog and his loyalty was to wild dogs. He however denied this and swore that his commitment was to peace and not to wild dogs even though he had, before becoming crocodile leader made statements justifying the violence of wild dogs. 

“I am not a wild dog,” Sir Na began, “Look at my short bent legs, look at my tail. Look at my scaly body with no dog hair whatsoever. How can you say I am a wild dog. The only similarity I share with dogs is the fact that I cannot stick to one female. But that alone is not enough to make me a dog. I am committed to peace and hope that crocodiles can ignore being killed by wild dogs and embrace peace.”

And Sir Na made the crocodiles apologize to the wild dogs killing them and paid them with bags of grain to stop killing crocodiles. he wished however that he did not have to deal with this problem alongside having to kill the bats in his territory and declare them non animals, especially because he still had eyes on becoming farm manager after White. He hoped that White would be too exhausted to continue. 

As the farm because more and more united in their hatred for bats, hunger spread throughout the farm. 

And farm hands made fun of animals who were complaining of hardship. 

And thieves took advantage of the suffering of animals to promise that they could double grains in a scheme called White-White-White.

And the leader of the bats continued to be tied up by White, even though he had no reason to. 

And Teku continued to try to become farm manager. 

And White continued to manage with the pain in his side. 

And the animals decided to celebrate the end of the year even though there was hunger in the farm. 

And the worshippers of White continued to defend him and to pray:

In the name of the White father

And of the farm hands

And of the holy Whitists…

Bless us White for we have sinned

Bless our thoughts

Bless our desires

Bless our intentions

Blessed be thy name

Thy will be done in every quarter among every animal species

Teach us to love your will

Teach us to be teachable

Teach us to trust your will even when your will may not be clear

Teach us to defend your will before it becomes your will

For thine are the decisions, the thoughts and the glory

For as long as you choose to be farm leader

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