The enemies of Nigerian unity

Late Dr. Yusufu Bala Usman once said that there is no country in the world whose corporate existence is being vociferously attacked by local and external forces like Nigeria. They attack Nigeria’s borders, its constitution and institutions, etc. They falsely claimed that the 1914 amalgamation was a mistake, while the constitution was a military creation […]

The enemies of Nigerian unity

Late Dr. Yusufu Bala Usman once said that there is no country in the world whose corporate existence is being vociferously attacked by local and external forces like Nigeria. They attack Nigeria’s borders, its constitution and institutions, etc. They falsely claimed that the 1914 amalgamation was a mistake, while the constitution was a military creation etc.

Recently, the campaign against Nigeria’s peaceful coexistence came in disguise through opposition to the federal government’s approval of N6.25 billion to Katsina State to establish ranching as a measure towards finding a lasting solution to the incessant farmer-herder clashes that defy solutions.

It is clear that the antagonists of the Federal Republic of Nigeria are rattled by the latest drastic step of Buhari’s administration to nip in the bud the bloody conflict that has been claiming lives, so they amplified their dirty propaganda to further prove how nepotistic Buhari is. These “tribal jingoists” (apologies to late Wada Nas) have a clear understanding of Buhari’s mindset- he is constrained by Fulani culture called ‘Pulako’. He is also so desperate to prove to the world that he is a repented military officer.

Let me borrow the favourite term used by late Wada Nas, “The irredentist” would go to any length to push the balkanization agenda. They shuttle from Chatham House in London to the committee of U.S.  Congress to present tissue of lies as empirical data about injustice in Nigeria.

The federal government through its security apparatus must deal with these traitors. It should go beyond inviting them for questioning. These people are pro-violence; they have been undermining efforts of peace-building. They have been inciting violence; using misleading facts to call for foreign intervention into Nigeria’s affairs; why then should they be treated with kid gloves?

Comrade Bishir Dauda Sabuwar Unguwa Katsina writes from Katsina State