The family as the bedrock for a corrupt free nation

The society today is greatly marred by the menace that is “corruption”, as it drains and cripples it little by little. This menace which has clawed its way in has become deeply rooted and embedded in the society and while some are of the opinion that it is an enigma that can’t be expelled others […]

The family as the bedrock for a corrupt free nation

The society today is greatly marred by the menace that is “corruption”, as it drains and cripples it little by little. This menace which has clawed its way in has become deeply rooted and embedded in the society and while some are of the opinion that it is an enigma that can’t be expelled others believe in the possibility of a society that is free from the tight bonds of corruption.

The question that is being widely asked in relation to this is “how can the society and nation as a whole be rid of corruption?” To answer  the above question, the “Family” exists as a perfect solution and instrument that can serve as the bedrock for laying the foundation of a corrupt free nation.

Social science has taught us that the family is the basic unit of a society and that the first social circle a human comes in contact with when born is his/her family. The first interactions babies have after birth is with their family, in turn any and everything they learn is from what they see around them and in this case what they have around is the family, as such they emulate what the family does, teaches and shows them.

Zainab Bugaje a mom and vice-pricipal at IQ Academy says between the ages of 1 and 7 is the best time to bond with your children and build a strong relationship of love and trust with them, this lays the foundation for them to see you as role models. Your children then see everything you do as right and emulate it”.

She adds that when you have such a relationship with your children it’s easy to teach them every and anything you want and they will take it and stick to it.

Maimuna kabir a civil servant and mother of two says “the family can really be the solution to this countries corruption problem. When we parents bring our children up the way we are supposed to, we teach them wrong from right they will understand that corruption is bad and when they grow up they won’t partake in such practices”.

Studies have revealed that children have an uncanny sense of perception and memory that leads them to imitate what they see and that is why one has to get it right in showing them good manners, values and etiquettes.

It is important to get the build up a family done right from the selection of a spouse. Mr shehu ahmad when asked about the importance of selecting the right spouse to build a good family with says “…a good spouse is key” he adds that “…by choosing a God fearing, disciplined  and knowledgeable spouse you are rest assured of building a loveable and prosperous home” this is important as it all goes to show that for you to have a model family it starts from the making of the family i.e the mother and father, they then go further to determine Morals and values to imbibe and model to their children, setting their minds and way of thinking and letting them know what is acceptable and what is not, protecting them from vices and overall just administering good parenting skills that will mold them into sound, educated and morally upright adults.

Author of “Generation Text” Dr. Micheal Osit says “a child first learns about right and wrong in the family” as such the family is the perfect playfield for teaching children that corruption is wrong and they need to stay away from it.

Now if one family alone imbibes this, it is not enough, rather it has to be imbibed by all families that build a society which in turn make a state and all the states put together is the nation that we are trying to build, protect and rid of corruption.   As such the family really is the bedrock for a corrupt free Nation.

Hadiza Jika Shuaibu is a 400 level student of Mass Communication from Bayero University Kano.