The hierarchy and flamboyance of Argungu’s dogaris

For many decades, the Argungu Emirate in Kebbi State has a special structure for the palace’s guards.   The history of Dogarawa, that is, the traditional top security personnel, in the palace of Emir of Argungu in Kebbi State is as old as the history of Kabbi Empire during the reign of King Kanta.  During […]

The hierarchy and flamboyance of Argungu’s dogaris

For many decades, the Argungu Emirate in Kebbi State has a special structure for the palace’s guards.


The history of Dogarawa, that is, the traditional top security personnel, in the palace of Emir of Argungu in Kebbi State is as old as the history of Kabbi Empire during the reign of King Kanta. 

During his reign, he had warriors and they were classified into groups. The dogarawa are always with the king wherever he is at the palace. Some would be at his front, his back, side, right and left sides. They always surrounded him against any attack or unforeseen danger that might come to him as king of the kingdom. 

The selection of the emir’s dogari was not by hereditary. It was based on how strong they were judging from their physique. A dogari in those days must be muscular, strong and gigantic. He must be able to protect the king and if need be, sacrifice his life for him. Whoever had that appearance and is not afraid are usually selected as dogari. In fact, they are ready to attack anyone who wants to harm the king in any way. They are usually between 20 and 30 in number but sometimes the number may be increased depending on the security situation in or around the king’s palace. 

And anybody that heads this group of the emir’s personnel is usually a man of might. Most palaces in northern part of Nigeria have these guards and the palace of the Emir of Argungu, Alhaji Muhammed Samaila Mera, is no exception.

For the palace, the selection of the chief security is based on his long stay in the palace. A person who has longer years of experience than the others and who is physically stronger than the others is usually chosen as Sarkin Dogarai.  In the Argungu’s palace, it is mandatory that a dogari must not only be strong, strict and fearless but must have experience on the palace security. 

Speaking on the security arrangement in the palace of the Emir of Argungu, the Protocol Secretary to the emir and a village head in Augie, a district under Argungu Emirate, Malam Yakubu Ibrahim Bagaje (Wakilan Kanta) said the primary duty of Sarkin Dogarai is to go to the entrance where the emir is expected to emerge from. He will sit there to prevent anybody he cannot trust to come into the palace to see the emir. 

According to him, whatever moves in or out within the palace entrance must be within the watchful eyes of the Sarkin Dogare and once he gets the sign of the emir coming out, he announces to those waiting to see him and from there he will lead the emir to where he usually sits in the palace. 

Augie said when the emir is about to sit he will cover him so that nobody will see how the emir is going to sit, likewise when he is going to stand up.

The Sarkin Dogarai also does a little protocol duty. When the palace councilor calls out the names of those who want to see the emir, the Sarkin Dogarai further amplifies the call to the dogarawa and he will be ushered in before the emir. 

In terms of position, the Sarkin Dogarai must follow the emir at the back. Immediately he ushers the emir to his residential area, he will return to the palace. 

Anytime the emir is going outside his domain the Sarkin Dogare must be among the six dogarawa that will guide and protect him on his journey.

The protocol secretary explained that the attire of the dogarawa is a sign of seriousness and it reflects danger.  He said the red colour represents danger. 

He pointed out that at war, red is usually used so that even if it is soaked with blood it will not show. “Whenever you see the dogarawa in red around the emir it depicts danger, meaning nobody should go near him because the dogaris are ever ready to attack anybody who dares to go near him for any evil motive,” Augie explained. 

He said colours for dogarawa are specially chosen for their purpose. The attire for the Emir of Argungu’s palace is a mixture of red, yellow and green material and signifies the traditional ruling system and that of the northern Nigeria. 

The Wakilan Kanta stated that among the dogaris, the emir knows who is not afraid and who is stronger because they are the immediate personnel to him.

As such, some dogaris are given other titles that have to do with security in the palace. He noted that that is why there is someone in charge of his drinking water called Shantali. 

Augie explained that even if the emir is going to the rest room, it is the Shantali that holds his kettle as well as taste anything brought for the emir.

Also, the palace has the Shamaki who is in charge of the emir’s visitors. Whoever wants to see the emir has to come through him.

The Shinfida is in charge of the sitting arrange of the emir. Wherever the emir is going he must go ahead to inspect and see that there is a proper sitting arrangement. He must determine whether it is alright for the emir to sit at the assigned place or not.

If the emir is to sit on mat, the Shinfida must take possession of the mat and he only that can spread it for the emir to sit on. The Lema is the holder of the umbrella and must always be very close to the emir. Only a trusted person among the dogaris can hold the emir’s umbrella. 

Also, part of the emir’s personnel is the Saggi. He is in charge of the emir’s horse. He must determine the path of the horse that is carrying the emir. The emir’s horse must follow the Saggi because where ever they are going the Saggi must be in ahead. He is someone who is ready to face any danger before it comes to the emir. 

It is the duty of the Baraya and Sarkin Gida to see to whoever wants to see the emir privately. The two will sit in front of the emir’s house. The Baraya is the only person who can see the emir in his bedroom. He will go into emir’s bedroom to tell him about a visitor and whatever the emir says he will come back to inform the visitor. 

If the emir forgets anything in his room it is the Baraya who will go and fetch it. The Jakadiya is a female among the palace Fadawa. She is in charge of the emir’s or his wives female visitors. She will interrogate the female visitors on their mission. Based on this she will go in to inform the emir or his wives about the visitor.