The lamentable situation of ‘Yan Kare Muradu’ in Bauchi

Bauchi State is currently grappling with a disturbing trend that has the potential to cripple its socio-political and economic advancements. It’s the rise of social media warriors, also referred to as an Kare Muradu, who have been recruited by politicians to push their agenda on various online platforms. It’s quite unfortunate that the youth of […]

The lamentable situation of ‘Yan Kare Muradu’ in Bauchi

Bala Mohammed

Bauchi State is currently grappling with a disturbing trend that has the potential to cripple its socio-political and economic advancements. It’s the rise of social media warriors, also referred to as an Kare Muradu, who have been recruited by politicians to push their agenda on various online platforms.

It’s quite unfortunate that the youth of Bauchi State, who are regarded as the future leaders of their communities, are being exploited and used as pawns in the game of politics.

These desperate youths have been lured into a parasitic relationship with politicians that only results in them receiving a meagre N5,000 monthly payment.

Even though these politicians benefit from the services of these social media warriors, they have shown no interest in providing them with any skill or education to improve their lives. The politicians only seek to achieve their goals by exploiting the youth’s vulnerability, which is disheartening.

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It’s unfair that these young people are being used as instruments for political maneuvering, without any form of care for their well-being. They spend hours creating social media propaganda and spreading false information to support their paymasters. In many instances, these campaigns border on hate speech, division, and sowing seeds of discord amongst the communities.

It’s sad to realize that these young people don’t see anything wrong with their predicament, as their quest for survival has forced them to accept the crumbs thrown their way. They fail to understand that the N5,000 being paid to them cannot sustain them for long, let alone provide them with a decent livelihood.

The detrimental impact of turning a blind eye to the plight of these youths cannot be overemphasized. The future of Bauchi State is anchored on the shoulders of the youth, who need to be nurtured and provided with opportunities that are crucial for the development of the state. It’s important to acknowledge that these youths are not expendable and cannot be used as cannon fodder for the political elite.

Bauchi State is in dire need of a paradigm shift in its political culture and leadership. It’s imperative to embrace a new order that puts the welfare of the youth at the forefront of the developmental agenda.

The government should provide them with education and skills that can empower them and set them on a path of economic independence. It’s important to eradicate the notion that the youths are tools, but rather viewed as active participants in the development of their communities and the entire state.

The plight of social media warriors in Bauchi State is a poignant reminder of the dire conditions faced by the youth in many developing nations. It’s time for the youth to be given the opportunity to lead their own lives without being coerced by any form of political manipulation. The time is now to take the necessary steps to empower the youth, and by doing so, build a brighter future for all.


Mukhtar Jarmajo  wrote from Wuse Zone 2, Abuja.