THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ… Geoff Ryman, Writer ‘Who Fears Death’ by Nnedi Okorafor

The writer, Geoff Ryman, says the last good book he has read is ‘Who Fears Death’ by Nnedi Okorafor. His choice may not be unconnected to the fact that he administers the Nommo Awards, which rewards excellent science fiction and fantasy created by Africans. “It tells a powerful and unique story, in a dangerous, exciting […]

THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ… Geoff Ryman, Writer ‘Who Fears Death’ by Nnedi Okorafor

The writer, Geoff Ryman, says the last good book he has read is ‘Who Fears Death’ by Nnedi Okorafor. His choice may not be unconnected to the fact that he administers the Nommo Awards, which rewards excellent science fiction and fantasy created by Africans. “It tells a powerful and unique story, in a dangerous, exciting new world,” he said. “Okorafor’s writing is a character in itself, and it’s always fresh, always brilliant.”

‘Who Fears Death’, published in Nigeria by Ouida Books, is currently being developed as a TV series for HBO, and executive-produced by GRR Martin, writer of ‘Game of Thrones’.

Ryman was born in Canada, in 1951, and moved with his parents to the United States at age 11. He went to UCLA, bagging degrees in History and English, before moving to England in 1973, where he has lived, up till today. The writer’s books, including ‘The Unconquered Country’ (1986), and ‘The King’s Last Song (2006)’, have garnered rave reviews and awards. He currently lectures in Creative Writing for the University of Manchester’s English Department.