THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ…Artist Khenye Gager Conceptual photography By Yoko Ono

Khenye Gager said is currently reading Conceptual Photography by Yoko Ono. She said “as an artist, evolution is critical. I search for rhythms and themes consistently because that is the spice of my work. Currently, I have been exploring photography and its magical ability to capture nature.” Gager is half English and Sierra Leonean. She […]

THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ…Artist Khenye Gager Conceptual photography By Yoko Ono
THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ…Artist Khenye Gager Conceptual photography By Yoko Ono

Khenye Gager said is currently reading Conceptual Photography by Yoko Ono. She said “as an artist, evolution is critical. I search for rhythms and themes consistently because that is the spice of my work. Currently, I have been exploring photography and its magical ability to capture nature.”
Gager is half English and Sierra Leonean. She is the lead artist at the Enigma Art Collective.