THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ…Book reviewer, Salamatu Sule Odufa by Othuke Ominiabohs

Salamatu Sule is a book lover and reviewer of African literature. Her last good read was ‘Odufa’ a lover’s tale, by Othuke Ominiabohs. Her reason is simple. “It discusses the socialization process of interethnic relationships and limitations.” Odufa is Ominiabohs debut novel and has already ruffled the feathers of readers who anticipate the trilogy yet […]

THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ…Book reviewer, Salamatu Sule Odufa by Othuke Ominiabohs

Salamatu Sule is a book lover and reviewer of African literature. Her last good read was ‘Odufa’ a lover’s tale, by Othuke Ominiabohs. Her reason is simple. “It discusses the socialization process of interethnic relationships and limitations.”
Odufa is Ominiabohs debut novel and has already ruffled the feathers of readers who anticipate the trilogy yet to be released.