THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ…Photographer Elizabeth Christopher-Ejembi Why men Marry Bitches by Sherry Argov

Christopher-Ejembi said she enjoyed the book because it brings out very important issues such as self-love and self- awareness. “As women we always find ourselves fighting to be heard or be relevant. But the most important thing she said was learning to be yourself, and be someone that others depend on for happiness.” However, this […]

THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ…Photographer Elizabeth Christopher-Ejembi Why men Marry Bitches by Sherry Argov

Christopher-Ejembi said she enjoyed the book because it brings out very important issues such as self-love and self- awareness. “As women we always find ourselves fighting to be heard or be relevant. But the most important thing she said was learning to be yourself, and be someone that others depend on for happiness.”
However, this photographer found something conflicting in the work when Argov, the author, challenged women to be strong and not to go the extra mile to impress the man they love. “But she also talked about how you should literally worship your man.”