THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ…Prof. Steve Abah ‘Why nations fail’ by Daron Acemoğlu and James A. Robinson

I have been trying to read the book, ‘Why nations fail.’ I like the book because it begins to talk about the whole question of the leader, Montezuma of Mexico and talking the whole process of our own native generosity and how people exploit that native generosity when you think about the way the Spanish […]

THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ…Prof. Steve Abah ‘Why nations fail’ by Daron Acemoğlu and James A. Robinson

I have been trying to read the book, ‘Why nations fail.’ I like the book because it begins to talk about the whole question of the leader, Montezuma of Mexico and talking the whole process of our own native generosity and how people exploit that native generosity when you think about the way the Spanish invaded the place. First of all, they were welcomed and then took advantage and began to enslave the people. Take the indigenous people of America who were enslaved and all of that. Then it begins to deal with that basic abortion of trust and relationship to the whole question to a new kind of economy which is self-centred.