The nature of the beast

The immediate one is the frightening prospect of one inadvertently partaking in a meal of some bush meat which unknowingly is laden with the virus or whatever it is that spreads the disease.  In Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, the consumption of bats has been blamed for the onset and spread of the disease, whereas […]

The nature of the beast
The nature of the beast

The immediate one is the frightening prospect of one inadvertently partaking in a meal of some bush meat which unknowingly is laden with the virus or whatever it is that spreads the disease.  In Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, the consumption of bats has been blamed for the onset and spread of the disease, whereas in the Congo where it is thought to have originally originated, monkey and baboon meat have been blamed.
Wherever it may have come from, it evokes the gory history of the bubonic plague in Europe in the middle ages that wiped out a sizeable amount of its population. The fear of the unseen enemy over the ages has given rise to huge imaginative outpourings of books and films depicting imminent danger to human existence. Many of them have referred to some Frankenstein or beast that came into existence out of the ingenuity or curiosity of man, say from some mad scientists laboratory  and now grown out of hand and seeks to teach man a lesson for trying to play God. Is this Ebola one of them? The disease had been in the Congo for so long yet up to now no known cure has been found for it.  And now it is constituting real and present danger of becoming a plaque on the African continent much like the AIDS epidemic, only this time you do not have to sleep with anyone to come in contact with it, just eating a pot of isi ewu- the goat meat delicacy could make one come down with it.
It makes one begin to think there is much to it than meets the eye in the sudden emergence of the Ebola in West Africa. The Guineans are already saying how come it is when there have been so many health experts from abroad that their place has become awash with it and has spread to Liberia from where one fellow brought it to Nigeria?  The AIDS pandemic is gradually ebbing, with those affected with the disease living long and normal life, but the big pharmaceutical companies have raked in huge profits and have laughed all the way to the bank. Now Ebola has begun its own incipient inroad to become another universal disease originating from Africa! Need we say more? It is hoped an early miracle cure would be found for it, otherwise God help all of us.      
From the mail bag
Butchery in Gaza
Your piece of July 27, 2014 entitled: Butchery in Gaza refers. If terror has been balanced or about to be so as you are too glad to announce, then please balance your story! Your piece is yellow to make any sensible reading, especially to a close follower of unfolding events.
Pieces like yours can be dangerous to history. At best can only be engaged by extremists! A balanced story will do more service to humanity.

The piece of July 27, 2014 entitled: Butchery in Gaza spoke the voice of many people on the one-sided war between Israel and Hamas. Israeli relationship with the Arabs, particularly with the dispossessed Palestinians is nothing but one of the strong versus the weak and poor. Whenever it tickles the fancy of the strong (Israel) it pounds the Palestinians (the weak) to a pulp as it has done this time again. And what is the reason -some Israeli youth were killed by people whose identities are still unknown, but was blamed on Hamas. In retaliation a poor Palestinian boy was torched and burnt to death. And so started a one month pogrom of the weak while the whole world watched and only a few summoned the courage to decry the high human cost in children and women who were massacred in cold blood in areas they had taken refuge in.
Meanwhile everyone seems to forget that immediately before the hostility Israel had walked out of the peace talk arranged to broker and find a common ground on the need for a two state solution. Israeli reason for doing this was that the two groups – Fattah and Hamas had disavowed disunity and resolved to march forward in unison. This is the reason why Israel walked out of the talks. But no one is deceived. The war was just a pretext to stall the talks for it to pound Hamas and Gaza to rubble, a mission it has now achieved.
There is no goodwill on Israel side to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians ever and the unrelenting erection of Israeli settlements is proof. Hamas’ belligerent posture is therefore the only option left and this time, it has proved there could be deaths, regrettably on both sides which could have been avoided had the strong showed the humility to respect the inalienable right of the weak to a homeland.  The same right for which Israel fought a guerrilla war to achieve in 1948.  Even for Israel for whom all nations fear to offend, history should be instructive. Periodic barbarism through nonchalant killing is a self-defeatist option because it feeds extremism and terrorism.
Ahmed  Kutigi, 08091090324
Chibok girls on my mind
I wish to pick two of the views you expressed in the piece “Chibok girls on my mind”. First you noted that dialogue as an option has become imperative for the release of the girls and that and I am assuming that I understand you well, no outrageous demands on the part of the insurgents should be rejected. Using your own words “demands that would be unthinkable to grant would be made”. Then you went on that rationalising such demands for possible rejection or otherwise would be disingenuous and counterproductive. By this you mean government should simply accede to every nonsensical demands of unrepentant killers and brigands, if it will stop the killings.
I am amazed that such a view can be canvassed at all. It is like saying there is no law and that Nigeria is a jungle where killings in the name of some ill- thought out phobia and arrant waywardness should be applauded, instead of punished.
Nigeria has rules against such acts that devalue human life. It should be enforced with all the weight they command. Not doing so is tantamount to giving in to irrational and deranged behaviours.
Abdulrahman  Martins       Kaduna  
 Mr. Opoola,  the piece “Chibok girls on my mind”  of July 13 2014 was thought provoking. God bless your heart. I believe it is high time president Goodluck Jonathan met with the parents of all the girls still being held hostage to honestly tell them what options are available to securing their release. Let the parents at least have a say on the matter.
M B Sawa Yola , 08034436266
Malala was here
Your point that Malala  is the personification of the vicious onslaught of society on the fairer sex is very apt. Malala was here (July 20 2014), her’s would certainly be a life of purpose thrust on her by those who would rather the woman continues to be at the beck and call of the male without a life of her own. Thankfully, Malala would champion the cause of women everywhere where they are under stupid inhibitions and denials, such as freedom of education, health and other rights. In that sense therefore her close shave with death would not be for nothing. She is definitely destined for greatness and we will watch her grow and assume her destiny and greatness. She is a glittering light to be emulated everywhere.
Sheye  Adegoke        [email protected]

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