The need to sanitise the entertainment industry

It is highly frustrating that music is swiftly dominating Nigeria. So many people, especially teenagers, consider and consume music much more than anything. Despite the indecency in most videos, the youths see musicians and actors as role models.  The comedy skits are much worse. Women who get featured in those comedy skits are usually inelegant […]

The need to sanitise the entertainment industry

It is highly frustrating that music is swiftly dominating Nigeria. So many people, especially teenagers, consider and consume music much more than anything. Despite the indecency in most videos, the youths see musicians and actors as role models. 

The comedy skits are much worse. Women who get featured in those comedy skits are usually inelegant vixens. They derive joy in flashing their nudity before the audience. And the audiences are often vulnerable kids. They are kids who barely think independently, so they learn whatsoever they see. 

What’s more disgusting is that the vulgar languages in these skits and movies are not being filtered or edited by the supposed editors. This is proof of willful neglect of the future of young adults. But who do we blame for this? The blame lies with the supposed editors, reckless actors, irresponsible parents and the entertainment industry for its fatal disregard for prevailing indecency.

We can see that moral decadence in children is increasing disrespect and utter preferences for filthy films other than films with educative contents. They imitate what they see in these movies, hence the overwhelming rate of juvenile crimes.

Although the damage seems too much, we can lessen it through the help of the National Film and Video Censor Board (NFVCB). Therefore, let us appeal to the NFVCB to double their effort in seeing that songs with foul lyrics, x-rated movies, video clips and comedies are filtered or banned entirely from cinemas or social media.

Usama Abdullahi wrote from Abuja: [email protected]