The night is over

Why is it that most people who suffer loss never recover? Why is it that most people who fall never rise again? For many who manage to work out a level of success, it is usually difficult for them to rise again; it is usually the end of the road. The question is, is it […]

The night is over
The night is over

Why is it that most people who suffer loss never recover? Why is it that most people who fall never rise again? For many who manage to work out a level of success, it is usually difficult for them to rise again; it is usually the end of the road. The question is, is it possible to be restored and how?

Job 42:10, “And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.”

Maiduguri truly surprises

I hear the footsteps of the chickens (II)

Job prayed… he was restored! He trusted God; he looked up to God. Most people turn to friends, relatives and so on and in most cases they are powerless to help. 

A brother lost his job as a result of conspiracy in his place of work. After several years, he met me and told me about it. I assured him that God will not only exonerate him but also give him another job. He believed and cried out unto God to perform it.

A couple of weeks after, his overall boss reinstated him with an increase in salary. His arrears were also paid after he had thoroughly investigated the matter. Prior to this time I had asked all in that Service to ask God to restore all they had lost in the last twenty years and he prayed. I told them further that they will begin to enjoy the restoration within seven weeks after the prayer and this brother received a confirmation within two weeks. 

The night is over and God is about to restore you and give you much more than you lost! 

The story of Job is as interesting as it is pathetic. It is the story of a man favoured of the Lord one day but viciously attacked the next day by the enemy. It is the story of a man who had it all going for him one day and the next day it was all gone. It is the story of a man who was up there one day, the next day violently brought down.

It is like a person who was enjoying permanent sunshine but mercilessly plunged into darkness. He suddenly found himself in the night season. He thought it was going to be a normal or usual night, but it turned out to be a long and painful night. 

He lost everything he had. His business crumbled in a day. He lost his family in a moment. He not only lost his family, he lost his health, his peace and his comfort. For Job, it was one long night or shall we say nightmare. 

But I thank God his story did not end there, he recovered! He not only recovered, God restored him fully. Job 42:10-17 (Please read). His weeping came to an end. The Bible says, “Weeping may endure for the night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Psalm 30:5. 

Say out loud, “This is my morning!” “My night is over! My pain is over, my sorrow is over.” “I made it through the night!” “The enemy wanted me dead but I made it through the night!” “He wanted me broke, but I made it through the night!” “It was very dark, but I made it!” “It was painful, but I made it!”  

The interesting thing is that Job’s friends thought it was over with him. They accused him of all sorts of things and called him names.  

Say out loud, “I will not be counted out; I’m still in the race!”  You may have tripped, but you’re still in the race. 

You may have lost some money but you’re still in the race. 

The man walked out of your life, but you’re still in the race.

You are going to win! God gave Job more than he lost. God is going to give you more…more than you lost…more than you need…more than you asked for more than you have faith for…more than your enemies think you should have…more than you deserve to have…more than you can finish. 

Say out loud, “This is my season of restoration.” “I’m coming back!” “I’m bouncing back!” Christians are like the spring; the more you compress them the higher they bounce when released.  

Ruth was a young woman whose life was shattered by the untimely death of her husband. She was plunged into chaos and emotional anarchy. She was devastated beyond consolation. But God lifted her up again. God connected her to Boaz. She only went to collect what the reapers left for the poor. She only went for the crumbs of the harvest but God gave her more than she bargained for.  

You may just be looking for a house rent but God is going to give you a house of your own. You may just have come to Abuja to see the way things are but God is going to establish you here. 

You may just only be looking for money to transport yourself to and from work and Church, but God is going to give you a car. God will connect you to the source of your restoration. 

Luke 4:18-19 reveals one of the things the anointing does-recovery or restoration. It brings recovery of sight to the blind; liberty to those that are imprisoned by the enemy and healing to those whose bodies have been ravaged by disease.

The anointing brought about the recovery of the lost axe head. It prospered the widow whose children were about to be taken as slaves to pay for their father’s debt.

What have you lost; time, money, position, possessions or what? The anointing will bring about full restoration. Just look up to God and pray.

How Much Restoration? 

Sevenfold restoration! Proverbs 6:30-31. The devil is the original thief. Look out for sevenfold restoration. Your troubles came in chains; your breakthrough will also come in chains. “For a just man falleth seven times and riseth up again.”  Proverbs 24:16. 

Israel had laboured in vain for years but the day they left Egypt they were compensated. There will be compensation for you in the next twenty-four hours. They got so much gold and clothes and all in one day. The same people who deprived them restored to them what they had taken from them. 

Let me close with the story of a young man who was miraculously restored by the Lord after many years of suffering. 

When they met me, they had been married for seven years and in their words, suffered all kinds of attacks from childlessness to homelessness, financial embarrassment, losses, hunger and social deprivation. 

He said the Lord told him to link up with me and they came from Lagos to Abuja to see me. We ministered to them thoroughly, and gave them the word of the Lord gave me. This word began to unfold just as they got back to Lagos.  

Along the line, somebody connected him with somebody that gave him a management contract to handle outside Lagos. 

From nothing, he had an official car with a driver, a furnished 3-bedroom apartment with a cook and a beautiful salary. Two weeks later, somebody gave his wife a shop for her business.  

God turned their captivity of years around by divine link. This is your season of restoration. Claim it by faith and enjoy it. You night is over! You are coming out of that ugly situation in style! This is your hour of complete restoration in Jesus name! 

Let’s continue to pray and ask God for the restoration of this nation to peace and economic prosperity. 

Bishop Dr Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.