The night of Power (Al-Kadr)

The meaning is that night of great importance because it was witnessed the revelation of the Glorious Qu’ran.Or al-kadr, which means fate is usually associated with divine decree as in the saying: by fate and divine decree; according to the meaning would be to explain the divine decree, and to have it represented in this […]

The night of Power (Al-Kadr)
The night of Power (Al-Kadr)

The meaning is that night of great importance because it was witnessed the revelation of the Glorious Qu’ran.
Or al-kadr, which means fate is usually associated with divine decree as in the saying: by fate and divine decree; according to the meaning would be to explain the divine decree, and to have it represented in this blessed night. Whatever the explanation are.
Night of power is the night that the Glorious Qur’an was revealed. Almighty Allah, glory be to his name, say in the surah (Smoke): “Ha min- by the scripture that maketh plain-lo! We revealed it on a blessed night-lo! We are ever warning- where upon every wise command is made clear- as a command from our presence-lo! We are sending – a mercy from the lord. Lo! He is the healer, the knower.”
It is the most preferred night of the year; whereas Almighty Allah, SWT, says in the surah (the Cow): “the month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the criterion (of right and wrong).”
Precisely, the Night of Power fall in the last 10 days of the blessed month of Ramadan.
In reference to Aisha, RA, she said: the Prophet (PBUH) used to conserve in the last 10 nights of Ramadan. He used to say: “Try to investigate for the Night of Power in the last 10 nights of Ramadan. And it is likeable to stay awake, throughout this night, performing this night, performing prayer and reciting the Glorious Qu’ran.”
Abu Hurairah, may Allah bless him, related about the prophet (PBUH): that he said “those who stay awake through the night of power, believing and considering; will have all their past guilts forgiven.”
The wisdom in staying awake throughout this night, is that Muslims will recall the blessing of Allah.
Upon him in revealing the glorious Koran that came out to be a guidance towards what bears the well-being of the world of humans and their happiness in the hereafter. A part of the well-known vow is: O God! My lord! You are forgiving, you like to forgive, so please forgive me.
Lemen, wrote from the  Islamic Cultural Central. He is publisher of Ramadan Guide.

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