The path to promotion (Part 3)

B. THE REMOTE REASONS 1.    Vision. Why do you need a vision? You need a vision because right now you don’t look anything like what you are going to become. There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly.  Vision is a mental picture of your future state. God […]

The path to promotion (Part 3)
The path to promotion (Part 3)

1.    Vision. Why do you need a vision? You need a vision because right now you don’t look anything like what you are going to become. There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly. 
Vision is a mental picture of your future state. God began by giving Joseph a vision. The Bible says where there is no vision people perish. Sight is a function of the eyes; but vision is a function of the heart. It is the ability to see a preferred future.
There are three things vision does: vision points (the way), preserves and propels – it provides inspiration.
Picture yourself a WINNER! Constantly keep the picture of who you want to be before your eyes. Write it down and look at it constantly. See yourself succeeding all the time. What you hold in your imagination about yourself, you will become. Begin to build fresh pictures in your mind. Remember, “Those who expect to win seldom lose!”
2.    A strong desire. Elijah said to Elisha, if you can see me when I am taken up, you shall have it. He did not say if you can see me when I am taken down. Many people are looking at people who are going down. Find someone who is going up and stay close. You will learn a lesson or two. Elisha clung tenaciously to Elijah. You must demonstrate tenacity of purpose. He was tenacious because he wanted it badly enough. How strong is your desire for promotion? Joseph’s desire kept him from sinning against God.
When you meet people with determination you will know. A mother asked a six-year old who was being troublesome to sit down. After a while the boy said to his mother, “Mum, I am sitting on the outside but I am standing on the inside.”
3.    Growth. You will notice that Joseph’s approach to people changed a lot before he was promoted.
He went through four stages according to John Maxwell:
a.    I don’t know what I don’t know;
b.    I know what I don’t know and I start to grow;
c.    I grow and it starts to show;
d.    I simply go because of what I know.
Growth is a process not an event.
The Bible makes it clear in Galatians 4:1-2 that an heir will not be promoted as long as he remains a child or as long as he is immature. Many have not been able to rise beyond where they are because they are immature. God does not give responsibility to those who cannot handle it. Your mountain cannot grow but you can. As long as you keep growing, what looks like a mountain today will tomorrow look like a mole hill.
4.    Planning and preparation. Vision without strategy is little more than a daydream.
Not every effort leads to success.
There are three steps that never lead to progress:
e.    A step taken in the wrong direction
f.    A step out of sequence
g.    A step taken at the wrong time i.e. delayed or premature.
For effort to be useful, it must be purposeful, planned, pertinent and persistent.
Esther spent a whole year preparing for just one night with the king. The level of your preparation determines the level of your elevation. Define your priorities in spending time and resources. Set goals and work towards them.
5.    Your company. Your inner circle. It is true that where there is no vision the people perish but it is equally true that where there are no people the vision perishes. You need people to fulfill your vision.
When it comes to climbing, you will meet with or need the following people:
·    Those who show you how to climb.
·    Those who help you to climb
·    Those you help to climb
·    Those who oppose your climbing-Joseph’s brothers inadvertently sent him on the path of promotion.
One of the most important decisions you will make in your march towards your destiny is who to travel with. Daniel had Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego. Your inner circle will either make you or destroy you. I once ministered to a young man who squatted with three people and they all got quit notice from their landlords. He obviously had a spiritual problem. There was a sister who sent an e-mail asking for prayers: every man who was engaged to her at different times experienced financial tightness which led such engagements breaking down. David’s son Ammon was ruined by his cousin who gave him the evil counsel that led to his raping his sister. Rehoboam the successor of King Solomon was ruined by his mates. He despised the counsel of elders.
Who Should You Have Around You?
–    A mentor – Esther had Mordecai and Hegai the king’s chamberlain.
–    Creative people
–    Loyal people
–    People who share your vision. Anyone who does not believe in your God-given vision disqualifies himself for a relationship.
–    Wise and intelligent people
–    People with complimentary gifts-people who complete you.
–    People with influence
–    People of faith
–    People of integrity.
–    Proverbs 13:13. People who despise advice will find themselves in trouble; those who respect it will succeed. 
–    18. If you ignore criticism, you will end in poverty and disgrace, if you accept, you will be honoured.
–    20. Whoever walks with the wise will become wise; whoever walks with fools will suffer harm.
Proverbs 18:24. There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.
There are people who come into your life and everything begins to tumble and crumble, things begin to spiral downwards. 
6.    The small steps.
“Vision isn’t enough – it must be combined with venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps; we must step up the stairs.” And you step up one step at a time.
Vincent Van Gogh said, “Great things are not done by impulse but by a series of small things brought together.” The small things we do daily add up to the things we become or acquire. The small daily prayer, Bible study, the daily job, the small weekly or monthly saving, the little phone call etc, build up to become a huge victory.
Nobody builds a sky scraper in a day; you add one block after another. Most people are waiting for a major breakthrough. Ask what small things can I do today to move me closer to the big things I desire?
Success is taking some decisions and managing them daily.
Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice led to His ultimate promotion.
Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer  of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.
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