The plight of a university dropout

Aminu Abdurrahman is a young man who had to make a difficult decision to drop out of university. His story sheds light on the challenges many young Nigerians face in similar circumstances.   Abdurrahman, a former student of the Yusuf Maitama Sule University, Kano, pursued his passion for English education. However, life took a turn, […]

The plight of a university dropout

Aminu Abdurrahman

Aminu Abdurrahman is a young man who had to make a difficult decision to drop out of university. His story sheds light on the challenges many young Nigerians face in similar circumstances.


Abdurrahman, a former student of the Yusuf Maitama Sule University, Kano, pursued his passion for English education. However, life took a turn, leaving him no choice but to abandon his studies.

As the eldest in his family, he feels the responsibility to care for his ageing father and younger sisters. The weight of this responsibility weighs heavily on him, and he humbly reaches out to the public for support.

What led to your decision to leave the university?

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The death of my mother who was the sole provider for our family, coupled with my father’s age and illness, created insurmountable financial constraints. It was a devastating blow to me as my mother always wanted me to excel academically.

After my mother’s passing, the financial situation became dire. I couldn’t afford transportation or registration fees, let alone provide for our basic needs. The choice between putting food on the table or paying for my education was a harsh reality I had to confront. It became impossible to continue my studies under such circumstances.

What aspirations do you have beyond finding employment and restarting your education?

I yearn for a normal life, just like any other young man. I want to spend quality time with my father, who is old and weak now, and I want my sisters to have fulfilling lives, free from constant struggle and unfulfilled dreams. My parents always emphasise the importance of education, and their sacrifices were aimed at providing us with a better future. It breaks my heart to see those hopes shattered.

There was a moment my father enrolled me in a carpentry workshop, hoping I could work and finance my education. However, the demanding work hours clashed with my school schedule, leaving me with a heart-wrenching decision. I had to choose between the two, and reluctantly I made the painful choice to drop out of school. I was afterwards confronted with countless offers to partake in illegal businesses and drugs, it was my unwavering commitment to my parents’ teachings that became my moral compass despite the depth of my desperation. I refused to succumb to these destructive paths. Even in the darkest moments of my desperation, my conscience and the love I have for my parents compelled me to reject those alluring yet treacherous paths. They went against everything they had tirelessly taught me. That is why I am using this medium to beg society to help me, not because I am the only person facing these challenges, but because I have to seek help. Most youths in similar situations prefer to suffer in silence.

What specific support or assistance are you seeking?

My first plea is to secure a job. As the eldest in my family, I feel the responsibility to care for my ageing father and younger sisters. The burden weighs heavily on me, and I humbly reach out to the public for any support they can provide.

Additionally, I long to continue my university education. The dream my late mother cherished for me. I hope for assistance that could help me pursue my education once again. Dropping out of university was the most devastating thing for me because my mother went out of her way as a school teacher to ensure I went to university. It shattered my dreams, and the weight of that loss lingers.

My plea for support extends beyond my personal journey. There are countless young people silently suffering a similar fate; their dreams and ambitions stifled by circumstances beyond their control. I implore society to recognise our struggles and extend helping hands.

Many youths in a similar situation prefer to suffer in silence. It is my hope that through raising awareness we can collectively make a difference in their lives.