The power and the faith (II)

That being said, there are quite a good number of these custodians of spiritual authorities at the sectarian and traditional levels who maintain their integrity, refuse to be compromised, hold their heads high and call a spade a spadewhen occasions demand for it without minding whose powerful ox is gore. Many of us may remember […]

The power and the faith (II)
The power and the faith (II)

That being said, there are quite a good number of these custodians of spiritual authorities at the sectarian and traditional levels who maintain their integrity, refuse to be compromised, hold their heads high and call a spade a spadewhen occasions demand for it without minding whose powerful ox is gore. Many of us may remember that Oba who defied Abacha and refused to join others on the make-believe video on Diya. This is the path to tread for traditional custodians of the people’s history and values.
Back from this protracted digression to the main issue, which is the crying need that we separate religion from politics, especially those who travesty the power of faith—the cheapening of the word; the sacred power of the spoken word for a mesh of porridge. These are professionals of faith who lay claims to all manner of ‘anointing’ which they dole out to willing politicians who, in utter desperation, grovel before these ‘men of god’ to deliver cheap political manna from wherever, to sustain them  in power or assure them of fresh acquisition of political power. We have become familiar in this country with these phony prophets and clerics of all faiths who bandy their wares around  the willing domains of their political costumers– people who have forgotten that the safest way into the people’s heart is through genuine service and the delivery of good governance and all its material and social perquisites. And these so-called menof god—they dishtheir prophesies from their pulpits with untold inconstancy and their clients swallow them, hook line and sinker. And they come every political season with new visions, miracles and predictions for their individual clients –politicians and people of transient power. And, they keep succeeding, alas, because this is a religion-crazy society. Do we ever learn? Some of those prophets who told a former President that he was going to die before ascending power, which he had just won, are still with us waxing strong, long after time has given their prophesy a lie and issuing fresh predictions ( I scram from the word vision, which is a more serious matter). A certain Sheik recently, on different predictions of visioning, had  forbidden both Jonathan and Buhari from seeking the Presidency in 2015. Yet, he failed to tell us who God has ordained to ascend the highest seat of power which is presently in palm scaling contention.
Now, the latest dramatic outing sketched in quick opposing, contradictory successions, is by the Revered Father Ejike Mbaka, spiritual head of Adoration Ministries, Enugu. Last November, with the overwhelming presence of the First Lady in his sanctuary, Mbaka had showered encomiums and accolades on Mrs Jonathan and her husband, the President and had scored them superlatively high In their performance in governance, in the midst of ‘distractions.’ He was alleged to have offered the First couple unqualified (spiritual) support in quest for a second term as President. Being no sycophant, he was willing to offer them the unquantified consolation of ‘anointing’ by the Holy Spirit. Now, the music has changed; the dance also! The Father has seen new visions to the effect that the return of President Jonathan spells utter disaster for the country and the President must perish the thought of a second term of office; he must quit power. ‘The continuity of Jonathan means disaster to Nigeria’. Claiming undying adoration, like the name f is Ministry, for Goodluck Jonathan, the new over-arching love of his people compels him to ask Nigerians to vote Jonathan out and bring Buhari in.  Today, the Priest is weeping and shrieking  for protection, even though he says he does not need any security from man! Who are those pursuing him? Who is after his life? Names flying around—Buruji Kashamu, Taofiq Gani, and so on, are crying foul and rebutting the new position of the embattled Mbaka. What did they say the last time he sang eulogies for their principal? What are the supporters of the APCs candidate saying o Mbaka? Thank you and God bless? Not likely.
To be sure, there are serious preachers and devoted clerics of all faiths; votive of God’s message; in this country. Yet,  the trade has been trivialized and travestied by charlatans . Unfortunately, there is unbridled indolence of the mental  species in this country today, especially among the political elite, s, who instead of facing the business of governance and the delivery of pubic good, stick, like moths to the lamp, around faith peddlers, like Chaucer’s, the Wife of Bath—hawkingmiracles, forgiveness, predictions and illogical visions. It is time we drew clear distinctions between political vision and religious phoniness raging on our land today. There are those who have used religion as an instrument of revolutionary change—liberation and revolutionary theologians—religious practitioners who have lent their massive support in the service social of transformation in many climes. The Mbakas of the world should face their calling and the politicians should let the clerics be. Else glory will be impaired by the search for power.