The Power of Peace in Islam

The very word ‘Islam’ (from the Arabic silm) connotes peace. According to a tradition of the Prophet, ‘Peace is Islam’ (Al-Bukhari). This means that peace is one of the prerequisites of Islam. Similarly, a Hadith states: A Muslim is one from whose tongue and hands people are safe. One of the attributes of God described […]

The Power of Peace in Islam

The very word ‘Islam’ (from the Arabic silm) connotes peace. According to a tradition of the Prophet, ‘Peace is Islam’ (Al-Bukhari). This means that peace is one of the prerequisites of Islam. Similarly, a Hadith states: A Muslim is one from whose tongue and hands people are safe.
One of the attributes of God described in the Quran is ‘As-Salam’, which means peace and security.’ That is to say that God’s Being itself is a manifestation of peace. Indeed, God is Peace (Al-Bukhari). In the Quran divine guidance is likened to the paths of peace. (5:16) Similarly, God’s desired religion is called ‘paths of peace’ (5:16). Paradise, the ultimate destination of God’s true devotees, is called the ‘home of peace’ (6:127). It is also said that, the people of Paradise will wish peace to one another, indicating that the social culture of the people of Paradise will be based on peace.
The Quran, avers that, ‘reconciliation is best’ (4:128), and judging by the consequences, the way of peace is far better than that of confrontation. By the law of Nature, God has decreed that success will be met with only on a reconciliatory path, and not on a confrontational or a violent course of action.
Whenever the Prophet had an option between two courses of action, he always chose the easier (non-confrontational) one. (Bukhari)
This means that, violent activism should not be indulged in if peaceful activism is an option. For, non-violent activism is the easier course as compared to violence. Peaceful activism or Non-violent activism, which should not be confused with passivity, is the perfect solution to problems in all spheres.
Whenever any problem arises between two groups, be it individual or social, one way to deal with it is to opt for the way of violence and confrontation. Another method is to make every attempt, by scrupulously avoiding the path of clash and confrontation, to solve the problem by peaceful means. There are many forms which peaceful means may take; it is, in fact, the exact nature of the problem which tells us which of the peaceful means is to be employed on which occasion.
Islam teaches us non-violence. The Qur’an tells us that God does not love disorder (2:205). This verse also clearly states what is meant by disorder. According to the Qur’an, disorder is that course of action, which results in disturbance in the social system incurring loss in terms of life and property (2:205).
We may put it differently and say that certainly God loves non-violence. He does not want people to indulge in such violence in human society as would result in death and destruction.
The entire spirit of the Qur’an is in tune with this concept. For instance, the Qur’an attaches the greatest of importance to patience. Patience is the only Islamic act, which is promised reward beyond measure (39:10). Patience, in fact, is another name for peaceful activism, while impatience is another name for violent activism. Patience, in essence, is exactly what is called non-violence in modern times. Patient activism means non-violent activism.
This point has been clearly made in the Traditions. According to one Tradition, the Prophet of Islam observed: God grants to non-violence what he does not grant to violence. (Sunan abi Dawood 4/255)
In this tradition the word ‘rifq’ (gentleness) has been used as compared to ‘unf’ (violence). These words denote exactly what is called violence (unf) and non-violence (la unf) in modern times. It bespeaks the eternal superiority of non-violence over violence.


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