The price for baby mamas

‘What a lovely couple ma sha Allah,’ I said, watching the bride and groom walk into the hall with the bridesmaids trailing along.  ‘Yes, they look great together.’ Maryam said in agreement before adding ‘from the surface they look like a match made in heaven.’  ‘They are a match made in heaven, in sha Allah. […]

The price for baby mamas

‘What a lovely couple ma sha Allah,’ I said, watching the bride and groom walk into the hall with the bridesmaids trailing along. 

‘Yes, they look great together.’ Maryam said in agreement before adding ‘from the surface they look like a match made in heaven.’ 

‘They are a match made in heaven, in sha Allah. What makes you think it’s only on the surface?’ I asked.

‘Well, given what some of us know about the groom, I can almost say, for certain that this happiness is not going to last.’ She predicted.

‘Haba, how can you be such a devil’s advocate?’ I protested. ‘This couple looks so happy and in love, one can see nothing but a bright future ahead of them.’ I observed.

‘You are entitled to your optimistic beliefs Bint but I assure you that the skeleton in this groom’s cupboard is nothing less than a ticking time-bomb. I actually feel sorry for the bride, in her naïveté and joyful innocence, she had no idea that her happiness will be short lived.’ Maryam declared ominously.

‘Please Maryam, this is enough. We are in this wedding as well wishers, yet all you can do is continue to wish the couple such bad luck? What do you think you know that can mar this marriage?’ I demanded.

‘The groom’ Maryam replied in a lowered voice, not seeming to mind my outburst ‘just had two babies born for him.’ She disclosed.

‘What? Are you sure about this? I mean, how can this be true? And who is the mother of twins?’ I asked, in confusion.

‘Who said anything about twins? They are two different ladies, who delivered two different babies for this same gentleman who is busy playing the dotting groom.’ Maryam replied, with disgust.

‘Two different women? Now I find this hard to believe.’ I answered.

‘Maybe you do, but this is the actual truth. That man you see smiling and behaving like he’s never seen a woman before his bride, is actually not at all the angel he appears to be, he is a two-faced womaniser with two kids to boot.’ She insisted.

‘But how come only you seem to know Maryam? Everyone here seems happy and in tune with the occasion. You are the only one who knows there is a problem and isn’t ecstatic about the union.’ I observed.

‘On the contrary Bint, half the crowd here knows about the two young women who bore him kids. You see they had their kids just months apart. And he had no choice but to accept the boys since he knew he had affairs with their mothers. Apparently, while he was jumping from one mistress’s house to another, he still did not consider them marriage material. And while both were pregnant, he set his eyes on an innocent, well brought-up girl and decided she was wifey enough for him. Now she has to live with the knowledge that he was an immoral, skirt chaser and pray hard that in his womanising days, he had not contracted any disease that could easily be shared with her. How unfortunate!’ Maryam concluded, sadly. 

‘Yes, truly unfortunate, but you still haven’t told me why you believe the story is true. I mean the bride’s parents are high society people, if this story was true how could they not find out?’ I insisted.

‘Honestly, I don’t know how they missed hearing this story but I do know that some guests at the kamu event, yesterday, were all talking about how her mother will be as devastated as the bride, because she had boasted to high heavens, that her daughter had made a great catch. So this story is true Bint, just brace yourself for the worst. This young lady has unfortunately married a Casanova.’ She declared.

‘What a tragedy! I mean look at her face, see how blissful she looks. This is a girl who isn’t only in love but who looks forward to lots of love in her married life. I just hope that he won’t go back to his wild ways after the dust has settled. A lot of dust will certainly be raised if the story of his illegitimate sons is proved to be true. I hope it doesn’t break this marriage.’ I prayed.

‘Even if it does, it’s what the young man deserves. I mean just because he is the wealthy son of a wealthy man doesn’t mean he should go round town having casual flings because he could afford to. Now he has to contend with raising illegitimate kids, supporting his baby mamas and trying to shield these all from his wife and In-laws. If he fails to and the story leaks, he risks losing her as well. And it will the perfect price to pay for being so promiscuous. I have no pity for him.’ Maryam concluded, sending the groom, an angry glare.