The Prophet’s other miracles (I)

Apart from the Qur’an, which is Prophet Muhammad’s ultimate miracle, there were other marvellous things that he (peace be upon him) did and predictions that he made. Many of them have come to pass; some still in progress and others will surely come to fruition before the end of the world.    Imam Nawawee wrote in […]

The Prophet’s other miracles (I)

Apart from the Qur’an, which is Prophet Muhammad’s ultimate miracle, there were other marvellous things that he (peace be upon him) did and predictions that he made. Many of them have come to pass; some still in progress and others will surely come to fruition before the end of the world.   
Imam Nawawee wrote in Tahdheeb al-Asmaau wa-l-Lughaat: “As for the other miracles, it is not possible to enumerate them all due to their huge number and renewing and increasing nature. However, I will mention some examples: 
“The splitting of the moon, water flowing from between his fingers, increasing the quantity of food and water, the glorification of the food, the palm tree yearning for him, stones greeting him, the talking of the poisoned leg (of roasted sheep), trees walking towards him, two trees that were far apart coming together and then parting again, the barren (and therefore dry) sheep giving milk, his returning the eye of Qatadah bin an-Nu’man to its place with his hand after it had slipped out, his (peace upon him) spitting lightly into the eye of ‘Ali bin Abi Talib when it had become inflamed and its being cured almost immediately, his (peace be upon him) wiping the leg of ‘Abdullah bin ‘Ateeq whereupon he was immediately cured.”
The imam continued in the book by saying the Messenger’s informing of the places of death of the polytheists on the Day of Badr. He (peace be upon him) informed that a group of his nation would traverse an ocean and Umm Haram would be amongst them and this occurred.
He (an-Nawawee) continued: “He also informed us that Hasan bin ‘Ali would reconcile between two large warring parties of the Muslims, that Sa’d bin Abu Waqqas would live such that nations would benefit by him and others would be harmed. That an-Najashi (the Christian king of Ethiopia, who accommodated Prophet Muhammad’s companions when the polytheists of Makkah were persecuting them) had died on a particular day while he was in Ethiopia and that al-Aswad al-‘Ansi had been killed on a particular day while he was in Yemen.”
He (peace be upon him) also predicted that the Muslims would fight the Turks who were described as having small eyes, wide faces and small, chiseled noses  and that Yemen, Syria and Iraq would be conquered by the Muslims.
He also said a man, Uwais al-Qarnee, would come to the companions from the auxiliaries of Yemen, he would be afflicted with leprosy and it would be healed except for the space of a dirham, and he indeed arrived during the rule of ‘Umar(ra).
He informed us that a group of his ummah (nation) would always be upon the truth and that mankind would become many in numbers.
He also informed us that Ruwayfi’ bin Thabit would live long and this happened. He also told us that ‘Ammar bin Yasir would be killed by the transgressing group, that this nation (Muslims) shall divide into sects and that they would fight each other.
The Prophet (saw) said: “Whoever among you lives after I am gone will see a great deal of dissent.” Narrated by Abu Dawood    
He also said: “Those who came before you of the people of the Book split into 72 sects, and this ummah will split into 73: 72 in Hell and one in Paradise, and that is the jama’ah (main body of Muslims).” Narrated by Abu Dawood and others.
He further informed us that a fire would emanate from the land of Hijaz and the likes of this. All of these exactly as he (peace be upon him) had said it would.