The reality of the pregnant abducted girl

Reports say the girl of about 20 years  was apparently abandoned by the abductors and she had trekked  for three days to a village near Mararrabar ubi Mubi in Hong Local Government Area of Adamawa State, where she was taken to the police and later to a clinic.Even though she gave her name as Suzanna […]

The reality of the pregnant abducted girl
The reality of the pregnant abducted girl

Reports say the girl of about 20 years  was apparently abandoned by the abductors and she had trekked  for three days to a village near Mararrabar ubi Mubi in Hong Local Government Area of Adamawa State, where she was taken to the police and later to a clinic.
Even though she gave her name as Suzanna Ishaya, she was found to be incoherent as a result of  an apparent mental illness which makes it difficult to establish her full identity, according to Dr. Pogu  Bitrus, leader of the Chibok Elders Forum.
Now our worst fears are becoming a reality; that these girls may be abused and become pregnant, while everybody looks up to the government to rescue them.
People were shocked at the sad news; it is as if in praying and hoping for the girls to be rescued ‘intact’, they have blanked out the possibility of them being sexually abused.
And now that it has happened, we don’t know how many of them are in a similar condition, including the possibility of mental illness.
With the appearance of Suzanna  in such  condition, the parents of the other abducted girls  would definitely be  plunged into deeper trauma, wondering what might have befallen their daughters. They may also wonder if they have a government that is supposed to protect its citizens.
When President Goodluck Jonathan  eventually agreed to meet the parents of the abducted Chibok girls  and the parents of those that escaped in July three months after the abduction,  he assured them that all those  still in captivity  would  be brought out alive, according to Reuben Abati,  the president’s spokesperson, after the meeting.
“Mr. President reassured them of the federal government determination and his personal determination to ensure that the girls that are still in captivity are brought out alive. He made it clear that is the main objective of the government,” said Abati.
But two months after that historic meeting, the government has not rescued the girls and some people have started to give up hope, because of the escalation of violence by the insurgents, where they have taken many villages in Borno and Adamawa states.
It is like they are forgotten by the government and anybody that dares to ask the authorities is seen as an enemy of the government  by those in power or  sycophants.
If not for the pressure of the #BringBackOurGirls# campaign group that keep talking about it and some newspapers that keep  counting the days since the  abduction, the girls  would have become history by now, distant and forgotten.
However, the truth is that these girls have been in captivity for over five months and not one of them has been rescued by the government, even though months ago the military said it knew where the girls were being held.
The argument, especially from the government’s apologists is that if the military goes to rescue them, the girls may die in the process because the Boko Haram insurgents may use them as human shield.
But the crucial question that needs urgent answer is ; how long would it take for the government to rescue the girls through other means if not through combat? Or is it going to take forever, or until the insurgents release them one after the other, pregnant and some with babies?
The government must have been embarrassed at the emergence of the traumatized girl, not least the fact that she is pregnant.
This fact has continued to question the ability of the government and the military to rescue the girls and all those in captivity, including men and young boys that were forcefully conscripted to become members of the insurgents.
The government should redeem itself and quickly,  by rescuing all those in captivity, it needs to  assert its authority, and by so doing make the citizens believe that they have a government to protect them. The government has abandoned them for too long.