The relationship collection 2020

In this new normal, everything has been impacted even relationships. Husbands and wives now see each other more especially since we are all trying to avoid going out as much as possible and daily office presence is no longer required. This sudden being at home more often with each other can be good in some […]

The relationship collection 2020

In this new normal, everything has been impacted even relationships. Husbands and wives now see each other more especially since we are all trying to avoid going out as much as possible and daily office presence is no longer required.

This sudden being at home more often with each other can be good in some relationships and may not be in some.

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If it’s a relationship that got its oxygen from distance then this is a challenge, if on the other hand it’s a relationship that yearns for closeness on both sides then this is a good thing.

Whatever the case everyone needs relationship boosters be they lovers or married couples, be they family members or friends.

It is therefore important that we try to work on our relationships to make them better now more than ever before.

At a time of world global crises, a time of war and a global health crisis, everyone needs a little extra loving.

This is why this collection is very special. 2020 has shown us that things can suddenly change in a snap and the foundation of our collective humanity must immediately kick in to stabilise us all and help us to carry on.

That foundation is love and relationships.

Let us pay a little more attention to our loved ones.

I hope this collection speaks to you as it has spoken to me. Enjoy!

1. The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman is a veritable book for describing relationships and pointing the way forward on how we love each other and how we should be sensible to our spouses or those we are in a relationship with.

The author says that we all love differently.

He categorizes different persons needs when they are in love.

For example, there are those who want 24/7 endearing texts, while there are those who prefer texts that are direct to the point in discussing how they feel.

There are in fact people who do not like mushy texts mostly men, while women who are more emotional want you to end every text with I love you and will be offended if you do not.

I have also come to realize that these delineations are not gender based and some men like mushy texts while some women like straight forward texts.

There are according to the author some persons who enjoy an over the top romance while others still prefer things to be subtle.

Gary Chapman in this book gives you simple guides to accepting each other’s love language and adjusting accordingly.


2. Mindful relationship habits; 25 practices for couples to enhance intimacy, nurture closeness and show a deeper connection by SJ Scott and Barrie Davenport.

This book explains that the daily grind of everyday life can take its toll on relationships.

It can affect a union and even impact on finances, the kids, who is doing the dishes and so on.

This can cause friction and can lead to a disconnect.

As everyday life takes its toll, it can drive couples apart.

The authors have therefore developed full proof strategies that can help build habits that engenders closeness in a couple which can lead to less arguments and build an organic relationship allowing everyone’s need to be met.


3. Difficult Conversations; How to discuss what matters most by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton and Sheila Heen.

We have all been there, when we have something to say and don’t quite know how to say it.

If it is someone we love very much, we are working the tight rope so we do not hurt them.

Sometimes the matter is stuck in our insides and we pile it up and then it’s too long and we do not now know how to introduce it after such a long time.

In the meantime, it is burning us.

How to communicate with our loved ones, how to negotiate this difficult conversation becomes a burden.

In this book, teachers of the Harvard project have put together this book to guide you through how to navigate every tough conversation or fight with not just the people we love but also with colleagues, parents and the like.

A very insightful book.


4. Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas.

This book explains how if one values their partner and God in their lives, things work out better.

Always. It says quite clearly that if you have love in your marriage, it can heighten your relationship with God.

The author adds that if you have enough love in your marriage, it can translate into all facets of your life.


5. Romantic relationships in Islam by Mohammed Amin.

This is an invaluable resource for anyone already in a relationship, anyone who is married and anyone planning to fall in love.

The author supports his writings with Qur’anic quotations.

While this book is not all homily, it is full of anecdotal memoirs in the author’s travel across Africa, the middle East and the Far East.