The risk of poor eating habits

While moderate amounts of low-nutrient fare is seldom problematic, eating poorly even for short periods can have negative consequences. Learning more about these short-term risks may inspire you to make unhealthy eating an exception rather than a rule. To ensure that your diet fulfills your wellness needs, seek guidance from a registered dietitian. Your brain […]

The risk of poor eating habits
The risk of poor eating habits

While moderate amounts of low-nutrient fare is seldom problematic, eating poorly even for short periods can have negative consequences. Learning more about these short-term risks may inspire you to make unhealthy eating an exception rather than a rule.
To ensure that your diet fulfills your wellness needs, seek guidance from a registered dietitian. Your brain relies on glucose, which derives from carbohydrates and other nutrients such as healthy fats and antioxidants, to function properly.
Eating a restrictive diet or skipping meals can have similar effects, including poor memory and concentration abilities. Eating too much or too little can also cause lethargy, fatigue and other effects that hinder physical activity.
According to experts, dieters often experience poor muscle strength, endurance, oxygen utilization and coordination.
Dieting can also cause physical weakness and fainting, particularly if you over- exert yourself through exercise. Eating too few calories temporarily can also lead to weight gain. Restrictive diets put your body in “starvation mode,” according to NEDA, which slows your metabolism — particularly if you yo-yo diet or diet off and on repeatedly.

Indigestion and Heartburn
Indigestion refers to uncomfortable sensations in your upper abdomen during or after eating. Common causes, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, include eating greasy or fatty foods, eating too fast, overeating and drinking too much alcohol or caffeine. Heartburn – burning or pain between your navel and breast bone – often accompanies indigestion.
 Some people also experience nausea, bloating and acid reflux, which happens when acidic stomach contents move back up into your esophagus.
To prevent indigestion, experts  recommend eating slowly, creating a calm eating atmosphere and avoiding exercise right after meals.
While eating a small, balanced snack before bed may help you sleep, according to sleep specialist Dr. Timothy Morgenthaler, going to bed hungry and overeating can detract from sleep.
If you’re prone to heartburn, fatty and spicy foods before bed can cause flare-ups during the night, causing unwanted wake-ups. Poor sleep can then cause or worsen other short-term effects of an unhealthy diet, such as weight gain and reduced brain and exercise capabilities.
The chemicals in your brain that promote positive moods, such as serotonin and dopamine, rely on food and nutrients for proper function. Skimping on calories or carbohydrates, which promote serotonin production, can cause depressive moods.Overeating can also cause feelings of shame, guilt and depression and  interfere with blood sugar control, which can disrupt positive moods.
John wrote from the Department of Mass communication, University of Maiduguri.