The season of political deaths

With the 2023 elections around the corner, poverty-induced murders, assassinations and other cruel inhuman activities are currently on the rise.  All forms of murders are forbidden, but the most disheartening is where an archetypal talaka (the have not), enmeshed in abject poverty, will, out of sheer rascality, decide to kill his fellow emblematic talaka either […]

The season of political deaths


With the 2023 elections around the corner, poverty-induced murders, assassinations and other cruel inhuman activities are currently on the rise. 

All forms of murders are forbidden, but the most disheartening is where an archetypal talaka (the have not), enmeshed in abject poverty, will, out of sheer rascality, decide to kill his fellow emblematic talaka either because of support of a given politician or over sharing of peanuts that such politician dished out to his supporters. 

A recent incident at a community in Sabon Gari, Zaria has caused anguish for many residents of that area and beyond, including my humble self.  

A trustworthy member of that community, who was familiar with what transpired, disclosed that a veteran gubernatorial candidate gave out N10,000 to a group of supporters. One of them collected the money and returned to the community. 

A notorious gangster, who is also a resident of the community and a friend to the individual that collected the money, decided to wait at a spot to collect his share. Upon sighting the person that was in possession of the N10,000, this famous gangster instructed that the money must be handed over to him. 

As argument ensued, the two gangsters engaged in a free for all with each bringing out his lurking knife. The person in possession of the N10,000 was stabbed to death. 

Within a twinkle of an eye, the news spread across the community like wildfire. Hence, friends of the deceased mobilised for revenge (daukar fansa). They therefore, tracked the murderer to his residence. Fortuitously, the killer was not able to find buyer of his mobile phone to get transport fare that would have facilitated his escape to another state; most likely a southern state. 

Usually, when gangsters unleashed their terror in our communities, they run to Kudu (south) to evade justice. 

However, this murderer-hoodlum was both lucky and hapless. He was lucky as before the mob on revenge mission could get him, police arrived the scene and rounded him up to their station.  

I learnt that the murderer is now cooling his feet in the Kaduna State Police Command CID Unit listening to the lyrics of murder detectives of the Nigeria Police Force. 

When a friend narrated this story to me, I said to myself: “we are in serious trouble”. Yes, the future is indeed bleak unless Allah comes to our aid.  

Up to this moment that I am writing this piece, I find it very difficult to comprehend how youthful souls, “leaders of tomorrow”, could be wasted because of paltry sum of N10, 000. One has lost his life, while the other may likely end his life in prison custody.  

Are we saying that artificially-induced poverty has now made the soul of an average Nigerian worth N10, 000? 

I am sure many Nigerians, youths especially, are likely to lose their lives during scuffle to share politicians’ Greek gifts; May Allah forbid.  Many Nigerians are also likely to waste their lives while escorting politicians to campaign grounds in return of N10, 000 or even less.  

In my view, it is time for Nigerian youths, especially, to retrace their steps. Their lives are worth more than N10,000 per head. 


Isa Sa’idu, PhD, is of the Department of Political Science & International Studies, ABU, Zaria 


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