The second wave of COVID-19 is here (I)

And with that, humanity is back in the abyss, in the chasm of fear and trepidation and in the crevasse of uncertainty, worry and bewilderment. But why should there be a second wave of the COVID-19

The second wave of COVID-19 is here (I)

And with that, humanity is back in the abyss, in the chasm of fear and trepidation and in the crevasse of uncertainty, worry and bewilderment. But why should there be a second wave of the COVID-19 after all the world has not yet exited the evil effects of the ‘first wave’?

I thought an appropriate answer to that question would probably lie in yet another question- why did we have the first wave in the first instance? We had the first wave partly as an after-effect of humanity’s decision to breach all barriers and norms previously considered to be sacred and inviolable; we came under the noxious hegemony of the coronavirus because we chose to dispense with what He prefers and give priority to what we prefer. The first wave of COVID-19 global pandemic came because we called for it; we asked for it; we worked for it. The Almighty says: whatever affliction befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned, and yet He overlooks many (of the wrongs you do). (Quran 9:42:30).

Ironically, it is equally true that neither of the two “waves” could have been here without His permission. Yes. The leaf that drops from the tree does so with His knowledge. Viruses are not self-generating entities. Rather, they derive their potency and power from nature; they pointers to the inimitability of His majesty. Thus, he who is afflicted and infected by COVID-19 is predestined to go through the tribulation and affliction from the womb of time. In other words, caution is good and useful when it finds favour in divine decree; no earthly or human precautionary measures can render His will nugatory. Whenever and whatever He wills shall come to pass whether such finds favour in our limited world or not.

Thus the world is back to where it was early this year. We are at ‘war’ with COVID-19 once again. Unlike bacteria, viruses provide no benefits to humans. They are smaller than bacteria and they attach themselves to another living cell and use that cells’ genetic material to reproduce themselves. Most viruses cause disease. They are like the invisible soldiers of the Almighty. He says: “…and none knows the forces of thy Lord, except He and this is no other than a warning to mankind (Quran 74: 31).

Since January when the ‘war’ broke out, first in China before it became a global pandemic, constant reading and re-reading of the Quran keep turning up explanations and perspectives that are highly instructive of current global challenges. In other words, hardly is there an ayat in the Quran in which COVID-19 has not gained mention depending on how deep your reflection is. In fact, the more one explores perspectives to the pandemic from the Quran, the more one discovers uncanny data and information which furnish solemn and profound insights to the real essence of our being as humans and as human communities.

Face to face with this reality, the question to ask is this- how might the believer insulate himself against the evil effect of the virus, be it the first or second wave? How can she protect herself and her family and loved ones from being afflicted with this awful and noxious pandemic?

The very first counsel would be for us all to return back to our Creator in penitence. Ponder Chapter 72 of the Last Testament. Ayat 10 of that chapter reads- And we do not know [therefore] whether evil is intended for those on earth or whether their Lord intends for them a right course”. In other words, only two possibilities exist for our world from this global pandemic: catastrophic implosion or discovery of new pathways to the Almighty. In regard to the first, we should all return prayerfully and with penitence to the Almighty in whose hands lie our souls saying: “Our Lord, remove from us this torment; indeed, we are believers” (Quran 44: 12). We should supplicate as such even in the knowledge that “among us are the righteous, and among us are (others); that among us are Muslims and among us are the unjust” (Quran 72: 14)” – those who believe in disbelief; those who, despite these dire situation and circumstance are unprepared to see beyond COVID-19, to seek new connections with the Almighty, to acknowledge- “ that we can never impede the Almighty on this earth, nor is there an escape from His authority (Quran 72: 12).