The second wave of COVID-19 is here (II)

In other words, whenever epidemics such as coronavirus break out and humanity finds itself at a loss as to what exactly might be its cause, one way to make sense of the situation is to return the cause to the First Cause, to the only One without a preceding cause. Put differently, whenever the question […]

The second wave of COVID-19 is here (II)

In other words, whenever epidemics such as coronavirus break out and humanity finds itself at a loss as to what exactly might be its cause, one way to make sense of the situation is to return the cause to the First Cause, to the only One without a preceding cause.

Put differently, whenever the question becomes urgent, as it has been since late December “what is the origin of the coronavirus?”, the believer would find solace in the Almighty; in the knowledge that nothing happens either in the heavens or on earth except that they conform with His knowledge and permission. He says again: “With Him (the Almighty) are the keys of the Unseen; the treasures that none know but He! He Knows whatever there is on the earth and in the sea. Not a leaf doth fall but with His Knowledge: there is not a grain in the darkness (or depths) of the earth, nor anything fresh or dry, but is (inscribed) in a Record Clear (with Him). (Qur’an 6: 59).

In a famous tradition, the Prophet (s.a.w) is reported in Sahih Muslim (Book 26, Number 5495) to have warned Muslims that if they hear of the outbreak of an epidemic (al-Ta’un) in a country other than theirs, they should not travel into it; and if it occurs in a country where they are domiciled, they should not embark on a journey out of the said country. This represents the very first principle in Islamic approach to disease containment and eradication. This principle is put in place in order to avoid inadvertent spread of diseases and ailments by potential carriers. It is a principle which conduces to the divine writ in Qur’an 5: 32 that rewards that shall be given for any act of benevolence that leads to preservation of human life shall be like that that would be due for any action that leads to the preservation of the entire human race and vice versa.

The second principle, again, talking “Quranically” would be for us all to comply with all the protocols put in place by government to prevent the spread and the fatalities that this pandemic has been known for. Believers not only follow the will and injunctions of the Almighty, they equally pay obeisance to those that the Almighty has put in authority over them. Thus, observe the use of face masks, avoid large gatherings as much as you can and maintain social distancing ethic. Again, as Muslims, we all know that washing and maintenance of personal hygiene had been part of Islamic culture from time immemorial. Thus, ordinarily, Muslims should not and ought not be carriers of COVID-19 virus. The ethic of cleanliness that we have learnt to cultivate from birth should put us above others as far as these trying times are concerned. But again, keep in mind that no believer is above trial; it was in paradise that Prophet Adam and His were tested.

Third, a brother who is into food medicine has advised that a combination of the following items should assist us improve our immunity against the disease – a teaspoonful of tumeric powder (original one), a teaspoonful of cinnamon powder, two caps each of Apple Cider Vinegar (With the Mother), two spoonful of lemon juice. Put these items into a tea-cup (medium size), full of warm water, and drink it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. A pharmacist brother equally advised that consumption of 1000mg of Vitamin C everyday would be an added ‘weapon’.

Fourth and lastly, supplicate everyday against being afflicted by COVID-19 and indeed all other deadly diseases. The supplication, which is taken from the tradition of our Prophet (a.s), reads- Rabbi inni auzu bika minal barass, wal-junun wal-juzaam wa min sayyihil – asqam (O! My Lord, I seek refuge from thee against leprosy, madness and other deadly ailments). A perceptive observer of our reality would have discovered that nothing happens by chance in our world; that not everybody shall be affected by the disease no matter how careless they are; that to take all recommended precautionary measures against COVID-19 is not an absolute guarantee against being infected. When all is said and done, the divine decree comes into play in our individual and communal realities. This explains the necessity for supplication; it makes invocation of His name the most potent shield against this known enemy that is simply unknowable.