The secret of a satisfying life (I)

One of the commonest complaints I hear frequently is that things are not working well or not working at all. Why are things working for some and not working for others? Even those who appear to be getting on are not satisfied. Some are making money, but they are not satisfied. God created everyone to […]

The secret of a satisfying life (I)
The secret of a satisfying life (I)

One of the commonest complaints I hear frequently is that things are not working well or not working at all. Why are things working for some and not working for others? Even those who appear to be getting on are not satisfied. Some are making money, but they are not satisfied.

God created everyone to be a star and to shine. The question is why do so many people struggle in life and die without ever being known or fulfilled? God promised to give Abraham a great name. We are connected to that promise through redemption. But most believers never end up with a great name and with a great name comes great influence and resources.

How then can one shine and not die unknown? How can one win all the time? How can one make a great impact in life and be remembered long after he or she is gone? How can one find fulfilment in life?

Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

What did Abraham, Joseph, David, Daniel and other great people in the Bible do right? What did Apostle Peter, Paul, etc. do right? They discovered, embraced and served divine purpose; they fulfilled divine destiny! They will guided into their assignment by God!

Isaiah 58:11, “And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.” Those who are guided by the Lord end up being satisfied in life.

If your destiny is blocked, sold, stolen, jailed or substituted, you will live a life of frustration and deprivation. Your destiny has to be discovered, delivered and recovered. You have to allow yourself to be guided by the Lord. Notice it says ‘continually’. God will not show you the whole road from the beginning. You can’t handle it. You have to be consistent in depending un the Lord to guide you one step at a time.

3 Major Battles

There are three major battles you will fight as a Christian:

1. The Battle To Keep Your Salvation. The battle to remain as a child of God. Nothing else matters if you cannot remain saved. Satan sends persecution the way of new converts to steal the Word of salvation they have just received. It’s a battle you must win.

2. The Battle Of Inheritance. This battle is only won by engaging covenant forces of sacrificial giving, planning, smart and studious work, etc. When you become a habitual giver, you begin to enjoy the Abrahamic order of wealth whether there is a lockdown or not. God finds a way to satisfy you even in drought.

3. The Battle Of Destiny. The battle to enter into your calling and fulfill your divine assignment is the battle you will fight your whole life. Your divine assignment is the place of your pre-eminence where you are crowned as king. There is a throne for every believer. The place where your star begins to shine. The moment your assignment is revealed, hell comes after you. Jesus was not tempted or attacked by the enemy until He was baptized in the River Jordan and His gift or assignment was transferred into Him from heaven. Joseph did not get into trouble with his brothers until he started to talk about his place of pre-eminence. The enemy took him through slavery and prison to try and destroy him, but he failed. David’s trouble began when he used his anointing to lead his people into victory over Goliath and the Philistines. Like Joseph, and Moses, David became a marked man when he stepped into his assignment. They all had to be first delivered. Their destinies were temporarily placed on hold and needed to be delivered before they could step into their assignments. The completion of your assignment is the devil’s nightmare. The attack in your present is aimed at stopping your future. Unfortunately, most believers never pay attention to this very important issue.

The important thing therefore is to discover your assignment. But how do you do that?

There are many thins to do but I want us to look at one aspect today:

The Book Of Destiny

To find your assignment, you have to find the Book of Destiny. There are many books in heaven. Revelations 20:12, “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.”

Here you see two books: the first is plural books suggesting many books. Each individual has a book of his or her records. You find the same thing in Daniel 7:10, “A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.”

The second is singular – book – the book of life; this contains names of people.

In The Volume Of The Book

Architects have a design for each house. A house may be a prototype for others in an estate, but details vary from one house to another. Likewise, God has a blueprint for you as an individual. You need to find it and live out of it.

Let us look at four examples

1. King David. Psalm 139:15-16, “My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. [16] Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.” God is a great architect who conceived you in His mind, decided your purpose, planned you, documented or drew your plan and then created you. Just like the architect, He not only planned your exterior, he planned your interior in detail. He planted some great gifts in you according to His purpose and unleashed you to make a great impact. When David discovered his own book he said “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” Psalm 139:14. He realised he was a masterpiece. He was not some random happening in the universe; he knew he was the product of God’s careful plan and creation. He refused to die. But this is the tragedy; many have rejected God’s plan out of ignorance and gone after worthless pursuits missing out on God’s best for them! How do you move from where you are to where you ought to be? Search, study, pray, ask the manufacturer’s, consult the manufacturer’s guide, look inside you. What is your passion, what do you do with ease that is natural with you? What inner desire to help humanity has refused to go away? Philippians 2:13 says, “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” That desire to do good, that desire to change the world, to help humanity, was not planted by the devil, it was placed there by God. He puts in you a desire to do what He created you to do. And that desire simply refuses to go away. The only way of knowing what you don’t know is by studying. The Bible says in 2Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” In the Life Development Institute, we teach you how to find your natural and spiritual gifts. Avail yourself of this opportunity and start living the true life.

(To be continued…)

Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l. Website: e-mail: [email protected] Help line: 08035150515