The senseless killings at Gada Biyu

The truth is nobody wins in these senseless waves of violence and counter violence.

The senseless killings at Gada Biyu
The senseless killings at Gada Biyu

By their dastardly act of wickedness at Gada Biyu in Jos, those blood shedders on the plateau demonstrated that nothing is sweeter to them than the blood of the defenceless victims of the Muslim travellers they mercilessly hacked and stabbed to death in a broad daylight.

Unfortunately, this will increase the determination of others to commit more violence with impunity, because killers in Nigeria almost always go scot-free.

Retaliation brings retaliation. Intolerance breeds intolerance. Revenge stimulates revenge.

The truth is nobody wins in these senseless waves of violence and counter violence. We are all victims. The only way to end the circle of violence is justice for the slain victims. The perpetrators must be fished out to face the full wrath of the law.


Saleh Bature lives in Abuja