The Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation’s conference on education in Northern Nigeria

The Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation, established in 2009, has been a driving force in improving the lives of people in Northern Nigeria. Through its various initiatives in health, agriculture, education and skills acquisition, the foundation has made a lasting impact on the region. Among its many achievements, the foundation’s upcoming conference on education in […]

The Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation’s conference on education in Northern Nigeria

The Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation, established in 2009, has been a driving force in improving the lives of people in Northern Nigeria. Through its various initiatives in health, agriculture, education and skills acquisition, the foundation has made a lasting impact on the region. Among its many achievements, the foundation’s upcoming conference on education in Northern Nigeria stands out as an idea long overdue.

A Legacy of Service:

The Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation was founded to honour the late Premier of the Northern Region, Sir Ahmadu Bello. Since its inception, the foundation has tirelessly worked to continue its legacy of service to the people of Northern Nigeria, within the context of a united indivisible Nigeria.

Wide-ranging Impact:

The foundation’s efforts have spanned a wide range of areas, including health, agriculture, leadership and good governance education, and skills acquisition. Through their interventions, they have touched the lives of women, youth, and vulnerable groups across the Northern states, in addition to influencing public policy and discourse.

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Trailblazing in Crisis:

During the Boko Haram crisis, the foundation played a pivotal role in mediating conflicts and providing much-needed relief to internally displaced persons (IDPs). Their early intervention and supply of palliatives set an example for other NGOs to follow.

The Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Lecture on Leadership and Good Governance:

The Annual Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Lecture on Leadership and Good Governance is an important event that aims to honour the memory of Sir Ahmadu Bello and his impact on Nigeria. Since its institution in 2012, this lecture has provided a platform for leaders from across the country to come together and engage in robust and educative discussions on topical national issues. By rotating the venue across the 19 states and the FCT, the lecture ensures inclusivity and allows for a diversity of perspectives to be shared. The ultimate goal is to proffer solutions for implementation, contributing to the development and progress of Nigeria.

One of the foundation’s notable initiatives has been its Entrepreneurship and Skills Development Programmes, which have uplifted thousands from poverty. By equipping individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge, the foundation has empowered them to become self-reliant and contribute to the region’s economic growth. Today more than 7,000 youth have benefitted from soft, hard, and life skills training across the states.

The foundation’s commitment to improving healthcare in Northern Nigeria is evident through its training of health practitioners in emergency trauma management. Additionally, through health missions and screenings, they have provided vital healthcare services to those in need. 2000 residents of Rabah village in Sokoto State alone were treated of various ailments ranging from diabetes, high blood pressure, glaucoma, cataract,  elephantiasis and a host of other illnesses. Furthermore, the Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation has been actively involved in providing safe drinking water to communities in Northern Nigeria through construction of boreholes. Recognising the importance of access to clean water for overall well-being, the foundation has implemented projects that aim to address this critical need.

In the field of education, the foundation has made a remarkable impact by offering scholarships to indigent students across the North. By providing financial support, the foundation enables deserving students to pursue their education and unlock their potential for a brighter future. Additionally, the foundation goes beyond financial assistance and ensures that these students receive training on leadership skills, empowering them to become leaders in their communities. Those that graduated were inducted into the Sir Ahmadu Bello Scholars Forum, which is an elite group of highly trained graduates in leadership and good governance. So far, over 300 people have been inducted into the elite Scholars Forum and they are engaged in community services in their various states of origin.

Recognising the importance of quality education, the foundation has also focused on training teachers to enhance the quality of education in Northern Nigeria. By equipping teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge, the foundation contributes to improving the overall educational experience and outcomes for students.

Another notable achievement of the foundation is its efforts towards the integration of the Almajiri system of education. By providing additional educational opportunities, the foundation has been able to take many Almajiri children off the streets and offer them a chance at a better future. This integration not only addresses the issue of street begging but also provides these children with access to formal education and a path towards personal development.

The Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation has been actively engaged in evidence-based research, which has become one of its flagship initiatives. Numerous research studies have been conducted, covering various areas such as security, economy, and the life and times of Sir Ahmadu Bello and his associates. These research findings are not only published but also displayed in the foundation’s richly stocked library.

One of the most significant research projects commissioned by the foundation took place from 2018 to 2020 and focused exclusively on the status of education in Northern Nigeria. The objective was to assess the current state and challenges of education in the region and propose ways to enhance its quality. The research shed light on some concerning issues, such as the high number of out-of-school children, inadequate education infrastructure, a lack of quality teaching aids and staff, and alarming rates of dropouts. Additionally, it revealed that the region had the lowest marks in exit exams such as SSCE and JAMB.

The findings of this research serve as a crucial resource for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders in the education sector. They provide valuable insights into the specific challenges faced by Northern Nigeria’s education system and offer potential solutions to improve its quality. By addressing these issues, it is hoped that the region can work towards providing better educational opportunities for its children and ultimately contribute to the overall development and progress of Nigeria.

It is indeed gratifying to learn that the Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation is organising a conference on education in Northern Nigeria this October. This conference will not only unveil the research findings but also engage stakeholders in addressing the concerning situation of education in the region. The timing of this conference is crucial, as it provides an opportunity for the North to confront the grim realities highlighted in the research report and embrace the recommended solutions.

It is true that Nigeria, including the North, has seen its fair share of conferences, seminars and workshops. However, the effectiveness and impact of these events have often been a challenge. The difference with this conference lies in the extensive efforts invested in the research work itself. The findings serve as a solid foundation for meaningful discussions and actions.

Another crucial point to raise here is the importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education, particularly in Northern Nigeria. It is undeniable that many public primary schools in the region lack access to computers and other ICT facilities. In today’s digital age, where smartphones and AI models are prevalent, it is indeed disheartening that a significant portion of the population remains computer illiterate.

The issue becomes even more pressing when considering the increasing trend of computer-based exams. As these exams become more common, it is essential that students are adequately prepared to navigate and utilise ICT tools effectively. Without access to such resources, students may face significant challenges in passing their exit exams.

Given the significance of ICT in education, I hope that this conference will address this issue and explore potential solutions. It is crucial to prioritise the integration of ICT in education and ensure that students have access to the necessary technology and training. This includes not only providing computers and ICT facilities but also training teachers to effectively incorporate ICT into their teaching methods.

By focusing on ICT integration, we can equip students with the necessary skills for the digital era, enhance their learning experience and improve their chances of success in computer-based exams. It is an opportunity for stakeholders to collaborate, share best practices, and develop strategies to bridge the digital divide in education.

I am optimistic that this conference will provide a platform to discuss the importance of ICT in education and inspire actionable steps towards ensuring that Northern Nigeria’s students have the necessary ICT resources and skills to thrive in today’s digital world.

It is imperative that all stakeholders come together and work towards achieving SDG 4, which emphasises providing inclusive and quality education for all. Access to education alone is not enough; it must be accompanied by a focus on quality. Education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of our children, and without it, the consequences can be detrimental, leading to increased crime and criminality.

By acknowledging the gloomy realities and embracing the recommendations put forth in the research report, the North can take concrete steps towards improving the educational landscape. This conference serves as a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and collective action, ensuring that our children receive the education they deserve. Let us work together to create a brighter future for Northern Nigeria and the entire nation.

Through their various initiatives, including safe water projects, scholarships, teacher training, and Almajiri integration, the Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation continues to demonstrate its commitment to transforming lives and addressing pressing issues in Northern Nigeria. Their multifaceted approach to education and community development is making a significant and positive impact on the region.

The upcoming conference on education organised by the Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation is a significant step toward addressing long-standing challenges in education in Northern Nigeria. With their track record of impactful initiatives and commitment to the region’s development, this conference holds promise for generating innovative ideas and strategies to improve education outcomes. The foundation’s dedication to transforming lives and their tireless efforts deserve recognition and support as they continue to make a positive difference in Northern Nigeria.

To everyone who is concerned about improving the quality of education in Northern Nigeria, see you at the Conference!!


Engr Umar is the Director General of Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation and sent this piece from Kaduna