The spiciest conspiracies

Major world events always give rise to conspiracy theories. The bigger they are the more incredible the theories seeking to explain them become. This Covid-19 phenomenon has inspired numerous conspiracy theories to the extent that few people believe the virus is of natural origins. Below are two of such theories; one blames the US for […]

The spiciest conspiracies

Major world events always give rise to conspiracy theories. The bigger they are the more incredible the theories seeking to explain them become. This Covid-19 phenomenon has inspired numerous conspiracy theories to the extent that few people believe the virus is of natural origins. Below are two of such theories; one blames the US for manufacturing the virus while the other poses questions which seek to prove that China is totally to blame for inflicting this grievous harm on the world.

Whichever of these spicy theories you find convincing, the truth is that both these countries, and the rest of us, are paying a heavy price for the existence of Coronavirus. We therefore hope and pray that this pandemic ends soonest.


Theory One:

China tried to give USA a run for her money.

USA was not happy, she felt threatened because of China’s rapid economic growth & rising influence in the World, especially in Asia which has the highest population proportion as compared to other continents.

In retaliation, USA fueled chaos in Hong Kong, but terribly failed as China managed to control the situation, prompting the think tank  of USA to think of another method.

Fearing the consequences of escalation & possibility of military action, the USA contemplated a covert strategy that would be used to destabilize China & Iran which seemed to be working on becoming a great influence in the Middle East, hence diverting the attempts to overthrow USA as the World economic super power, or give Russians an advantage.

The CIA revisited its laboratories & came up with a perfect solution (so they thought)  which was accepted by the US Security Council, since they had a vaccine for the original COVID-19, hence averting threats of a possible boomerang effect.

On the night of a particular day in January 2020, CIA delivered the viruses in Wuhan icy mountain using the undetectable F-35 stealth combat fighter jet. Below Wuhan mountain is China’s Aquatic sciences laboratory, serving as a perfect cover, which would make it appear as though China was responsible for the virus.

China, realizing too late that she had been attacked with a biological weapon, took samples of the virus, tested them & discovered that it was impossible to create a viable vaccine within a short period of time due to its characteristic rapid mutation, so what next?

China’s scientists & military experts therefore decided to perform a biological twist to the original virus using “Reverse engineering” then decided to send it back to the USA & her allies in Europe, Italy being the worst hit by the metamorphosed virus.

As soon as the first case was recorded in US, they tested & discovered that the virus had been altered & that the intended vaccines couldn’t work on the new version and that is why it is being reported that recovered patients are testing positive again.


This is why President

Trump is fuming & angry that his own creation has come back to haunt the US!

Even so, the USA is hiding the exact number of victims to avert a crisis of panic, rage & an economic shutdown.

It is for this reason again that the USA is trying to buy off anyone who might create a working vaccine (Germany was approached), so that she gets patent rights & prevents China from accessing it.

Now as the virus spreads throughout the world, China, Europe & US scientists are in a race to manufacture a vaccine for the virus, which is what China wanted; To be in the same position with her opponents.

We have always imagined a WW3 which involved bombers flying high in the skies, a lot of nuclear bombs & gunshots renting the air, but modern warfare has dramatically changed all those perceptions.

Today WW3 is happening right before our eyes! What a moment to be alive!


Theory Two:

Corona: Something is wrong …!

? Wuhan to Shanghai = 629 km

? Wuhan to Beijing = 1052 km

? Wuhan to New York = 12000 km

? Wuhan to Italy = 8670 km

? Wuhan to London = 8880 km

? Wuhan to Paris = 8900 km

? Wuhan to Spain = 9830 km

? Wuhan to India = 3575 km

? Wuhan to Iran = 6560 km


Corona in Wuhan’s nearby city of Beijing and Shanghai had no effect, but …

^ Death in Italy, Iran and other countries and it’s busy ruining the world’s economy…!

All business areas of China are safe…!

? * Something is wrong

The virus from Wuhan reached the whole world but did not reach Beijing, Shanghai …!  Why …?

Great people in the world have been infected with Corona virus. Hollywood stars, Australia’s Home Minister, Britain’s Health – Minister, Spain’s Prime Minister’s wife, Britain’s Prince Charles and now PM Boris Johnson also have Corona, but in China Corona has not touched even a single leader, a single military – commander …!  Why …?

Corona virus has ruined the economy worldwide, thousands have lost their lives, millions have been sick and countless people have been locked in their homes due to lock down in many countries. In which India is the largest.

Today Paris is closed, New York is closed, Berlin is closed, Rome is closed, Delhi is closed, Mumbai is closed, major economic and political centers of the world are closed, but Beijing and Shanghai are open, there  Corona did not show any effect!  Numerous cases came to light, but in a way, Corona had no effect on Beijing and Shanghai, why …?

Beijing is the city where all the leaders of China live, military-leaders live here, those who run the power of China live here, there is no lock-down in Beijing!  It is open!  Corona has no effect there, why …?

Shanghai is the city that runs China’s economy, it is the economic capital of China, here all the rich people of China live!  Those who keep the industry running, there is no lock-down there, Corona has no effect…!  * Why …? *

Is corona a pandemic virus, which has been told that you have to create panic all over the world, but you will not come to Beijing and Shanghai, it is very important to ask China this question since the most developed countries in the world could not stop Corona! This virus has created terror in major cities of the world, so why did this terror never reach Beijing…?  ;  Why did it not reach Shanghai …?

Beijing and Shanghai are the areas adjacent to Wuhan!  Yet the virus spared them and reached every corner of the world. * Why …? *

Today, the whole of India and all  Indians are locked-down!  Our economy is coming to a standstill, but all major cities of China are open and now and from April 8, China is also opening Wuhan!  The whole world is stricken with terror!  No new cases are not coming in China and China is open…!  * Why …? *

Another big thing is that the stock market around the world has fallen by almost half!  Fifty has gone from 12 thousand to 7 thousand in India too!  But China’s share – market wasn’t affected.  There is no effect of this virus on the Chinese market at all* Why …? *

Whatever these things are, they only point to one thing that the Coronavirus is a bio-chemical weapon of China, which China has made for destruction in the world!  After getting some people killed, China has now controlled this virus!  Perhaps they also have the medicine, which they are not sharing with the world!