The Three Arms Zone plan review – how credible?

Really, the president’s residence is within the zone in the original proposal but that is the only one recognized in the context of the Abuja Master Plan. The Chief Justice’s residence and that of the Vice President are at the Asokoro low density residential area, outside the Three Arms Zone circle, not within, as could […]

The Three Arms Zone plan review – how credible?
The Three Arms Zone plan review – how credible?

Really, the president’s residence is within the zone in the original proposal but that is the only one recognized in the context of the Abuja Master Plan. The Chief Justice’s residence and that of the Vice President are at the Asokoro low density residential area, outside the Three Arms Zone circle, not within, as could erroneously be believed. The location of the new proposed low density residential development for the principal officers is very close to the main entrance gate of the National Assembly with hassles and bustles of persons and traffic.
This is a very busy area in the prevailing circumstances. More so, the entire zone is located in the Central Area District in the context of the Abuja city. As such providing a low density residential in such a place is contrary to all known planning principles of location of activities. It is for a similar reason of shielding these types of personalities from the traffic at the main gate that a rear access is provided for the Principal Officers of the National Assembly. Thus, locating their residences at the same location contradicts the necessity for the provision of the rear gate in the first place.
From experience, even if they occupy the houses, these principal officers will never be comfortable living in such a high traffic and busy area. We predict that the aim will be defeated in the long run. Whatever is the professional standing of whoever made this design, his view is completely at variance from acceptable planning principles. It is quite unfortunate that today, there are no professionals that can rightly advice a chief executive against taking a wrong decision. It is still not clear to us whether approval has been obtained from the Development Control Department. If it hasn’t, the leadership is further exhibiting its level of impunity to laid-down rules and regulations by commencing the work prior to the building plans approval.
We wish to remind ourselves that there were official residences meant for these principal officers of the National Assembly like the Speaker and the Senate President at the assigned area, in line with the context of the city development. But at a time, government policy was skewed to allow the occupants to selfishly purchase the houses for themselves during the sale of federal government houses. We cautioned that future leadership will definitely need these residences. If ever government would sell all its houses, there should be some categories exempted at least for security reasons. These should include the official quarters of the Senate President and Speaker of the House of Representatives. Others could be ministerial quarters and those of the Federal Permanent Secretaries.
In our view, instead of resorting to groping for land to the extent of violating the development requirements of this highly revered zone to build yet other houses for the principal officers, the concerned personalities whether former or still serving that bought these official quarters for themselves, should be patriotic enough to request government for refund and subsequently surrender the houses to serve the purpose originally intended for. This shall be more honorable now, than for forceful evacuation by a more seriously minded future administration that would make policy changes.
Ma  cannot live away from nature. We must always strike a balance between the components of the ecosystem. That is what informed the IPA to adopt the garden city concept for the planning of Abuja. Unfortunately, this concept is now being destroyed. We must take a cue from other renowned cities in Africa, specifically Nairobi. Despite being older than Abuja, the city managers were disciplined enough to be able to maintain a very extensive park at the Nairobi city center. Unfortunately, ours here are not that disciplined. For whatever reason, this revised plan for the Three Arms Zone can never stand the test of professional scrutiny, unless we want to destroy the sanctity of these important national institutions.