The trial of Bill Gates

They found the missing link between Covid19 and humanity. His name is William Henry Gates III. Of course you probably know him by the moniker Bill Gates. Married to Melinda Ann French also popularly known as Melinda Gates and three lovely girls to nurture. Experts at estimating wealth say the Gates’s were the second richest […]

The trial of Bill Gates

They found the missing link between Covid19 and humanity. His name is William Henry Gates III. Of course you probably know him by the moniker Bill Gates. Married to Melinda Ann French also popularly known as Melinda Gates and three lovely girls to nurture. Experts at estimating wealth say the Gates’s were the second richest people on the planet after Jeff Bezos.

Unlike my friend, Dangote who got his seed money from his uncle, Bill’s father willed him a good fortune. His son partnered with one other to build Microsoft, global computing operating system. It fetched them more money that they cared to spend in one lifetime.

Last year, Gates wealth was estimated close to $110 billion. This is the man African governments should be borrowing money from. They stand a better chance of getting debt forgiveness from him than they’ll ever get from the Chinese or the folks at IMF.

Surprising Bill donated $36 billion of his wealth to charity, and I don’t mean that girl from Akwa Ibom before someone kidnaps another person’s daughter in the hope of making millions. Bill donates his cash to good causes. Last year, he donated $1.6 billion to the eradication of malaria saying the mosquito-borne disease should not be the scourge of the black race.

Just to be sure I am not suffering from astigmatism I have been looking at the pictures of Bill and Melinda Gates. To borrow an erroneous cliché, they are white without a speck of black in their genes, except you believe the tattle that life originated in Africa.

On the contrary, take a look at Floyd Mayweather. Without his trademark exotic cars and half his wealth worn on his neck, Mayweather looks like any kid you could have pointed at in any corner of the black continent. Thankfully unlike his Ghanaian counterpart, Braimah Kamok aka Bukom Banku, Floyd doesn’t think bleaching is a requirement for boxing ring success. He is worth $560 million. That’s the kind of chicken change Gates is likely to spend on me when we meet soon. How Gates could combine stupendous wealth with humility humbles me.

No such modesty on Floyd. Asked if he would consider giving money to African causes, he retorted in heightened Ebonics – “People say ‘well, he got all this money, why is he not giving to Africa? Well, what has Africa given to us? What has Africa came and gave to my children and to my family? Things work two ways.” That’s raw Floyd. Believe me when I say some African kids want to be like him.

It is estimated that Bill Gates’ charitable donation to Africa has saved 122 million lives in the continent. Now some Africans say if you’ve often wondered why he’s been doing this, wonder no more. He was only keeping us safe so as to rob us. All the while, he was inventing a virus to wipe out half the globe so that he could make the antidote and make a killing from it if you pardon the pun.

According to conspiracy theorists, not only did Gates invent Covid19, he had the audacity to announce it before it arrived. And now that its here – probably through windows operating system, he’s waiting to make that killing. Of course those who believe this are also convinced that Covid19 is caused by the introduction of 5G.

Having released the virus, it is said that he has spent billions in search of the antidote in the form of a vaccine. He already has the vaccine, which is why Donald Trump and Mike Pence don’t wear masks.

According to the bard, Gates plans to recoup his donations to Africa. All that saving of 122 million lives was just to tax them. Never mind that a substantial chunk of computer users in the continent use pirated copies. If Gates had insisted on suing them, he could make a few billions and even send some high profiled users to jail, but why do that if you could sell vaccines to their governments?

The people who peddle these rumours have exchanged their grey matter for copra. They recently spread the rumour that the dubious vaccination bill in the National Assembly was being railroaded into passage initially without public hearing because the usually low-integrity congress has been bribed.

Forget the fact that the children of these rumour mongers would have been dead but for the generosity of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. These ones have sworn not to take the Covid19 vaccination if and when it comes. They believe somehow that Bill Gates has embedded the vaccine with microchips that would fry the brains of those vaccinated or render them pliable to robotic manipulations straight from Gate’s Xanadu 2.0 home in Medina, Washington.

Don’t ask these dunces to speak to Lane Rolling, MD, microbiologist, pathogenic virologist, and director, clinical education and research tropical pathology and infectious diseases association who contends that there are 400 coronavirus strains in bats with only three – SARS, MERS and Covid19 affecting humans. To him, this particular coronavirus had been found in bats since 1960 when Gates was a toddler. His interview with his daughter, rapper Jordyn Rollin is strong evidence needed to put Bill Gates away for a long time. When and if a treatment or vaccine is available, let us hope these antivaxxers would refuse it. Whoever survives should take it and live and if it comes from the Gates Foundation, the better for Africa.