The unenviable dangers of envy

This is about the second time this people-oriented issue would be featured on this page. The reason for this is that between that first article on envy, I had discovered that envy has always been at the root of most emotional and exciting relationships. Episodes of envy can be traced back to our ancestors where […]

The unenviable dangers of envy
The unenviable dangers of envy

This is about the second time this people-oriented issue would be featured on this page. The reason for this is that between that first article on envy, I had discovered that envy has always been at the root of most emotional and exciting relationships.

Episodes of envy can be traced back to our ancestors where Prophet Yusuf suffered in the hands of his brothers because of his future prospects. On account of envy Cain killed Abel because the former’s sister was more beautiful than the later’s.

Envious   people   are   found in families, offices, markets and any where people gather. It is not only a prerogative of the poor but also rampantly practised among the rich and the highly placed. It is a familiar word that means a lot.  It means to want to possess what another has, or wanting to abort the endowment, dream, or success of others directly or indirectly.

No matter how hard you try to live harmoniously with an envious person, it may not be possible because the hearts of the pathologically envious people all the time are boiling and hurting as they witness the progress of others or future prospects which they lack.

The envious mother can be portrayed in so many ways.  One is through hypocrisy where she shows love to children of other woman to the view of people around, but right inside her she hates the children. Such women plan how to bring the whole world of children other than theirs crumbling down.

Envious people show high level of friendship to two opposing parties, portraying fake love for each of them. They draw both parties close to win their confidence and audience.  Other characteristics of envy is displeasure at the progress of people, abandoning friends to their fate if befallen with calamity and praising someone in his/her presence and condemning the fellow in his/her absence.

Also, envy could take the form of rumour mongering or calumny whereby the envious one goes about spreading malicious gossips about their target just to debase them.  This attitude of rumour mongering caused by envy has defamed the character of most religious leaders, political office holders and successful individuals.

Ordinarily, envious people feel insulted by those who make it in live.  People are usually envied not only because of their wealth or beauty but largely because what they give and produce.

The anger of envious people is attributed to the feeling of inferiority over the endowment of people with righteousness, knowledge, manners or wealth.

As noted above, envy has led its owner to kill. That is the extreme it can go. They refuse to understand that words cannot destroy greatness.

Another destructive attitude that is caused by envy is lack of forgiveness by people who are envious of others.   Envious people never agree that they have faults they tend to be so fool of themselves that even if someone makes an honest criticism of their attitude they never accept it in good fate and try to change.   May the God save us from the envious one when he practices envy, Amin

Never pray to engage in arguement with an envious one, because he will defeat you.   He can cook cock and bull stories to cover his dirty tracks and ensure that the innocent falls into his trap. They are so callous, abusive and troublesome.  Their words are always full of insinuations, jests, and derogatory statements of derision at the slightest move.  They are   excessively critical that you don’t pray to stay around them.  They keep every record of the slightest wrong done to them.  They are bitter and revengeful.  They never forgive an offence until they retaliate..

Envious people are also too proud that is why it is not in their character to be humble. Envious people have been found to be selfish in their bid to acquire fame. they don’t care on whose toes they step.   They can carry out any form of injustice against the person they envy, denying them their God-given rights as an employee, a wife, or even a child born by him.

The solution to envy is for the envious one to desist from the evil traits or face the wrath of God sooner or later whether in this world or in the hereafter. The envied one, on the other hand, should try to keep their secrets away from the prying eyes of the envious ones and seek refuge in ALLAH from their treacherous plans, because they are constantly watching you.

Lastly, the envied should bear in mind that no matter the injustice or persecution meted out against their supposed targets, they never triumph; in fact they suffer more. People with such wicked attitude never get to make progress in their life, instead they live to watch those they are envious of achieve a lot in life. Allah has said it that anyone who envious a fellow human being on the account of what the later has achieved would suffer deprivation while the victimized progressed here on earth, while a greater punishment awaits the harbinger of envy.



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