The value of regular physical exercise

Regular physical exercise help to tune up the organs of the body, the muscles and nerves. Playing games also makes you to be emotionally and socially healthy. It makes our brains work faster and more accurately. Even the Holy Scriptures acknowledge the value of physical exercise when it says, among other things, in 1 Timothy […]

The value of regular physical exercise
The value of regular physical exercise

Regular physical exercise help to tune up the organs of the body, the muscles and nerves. Playing games also makes you to be emotionally and socially healthy. It makes our brains work faster and more accurately.

Even the Holy Scriptures acknowledge the value of physical exercise when it says, among other things, in 1 Timothy 4:8, that “ . . . physical training (or “exercise”) is beneficial . . . . “

With regard to engaging in regular physical exercise, some people have erroneously concluded that they do not need to exercise because they are not overweight. However, although overweight and obese people stand to benefit greatly from a regular exercise program, even if you are not overweight, increasing your physical activity is very likely to improve your overall health and help prevent serious diseases, including certain types of cancer.

What are some of the factors that contribute to a person’s poor state of health? They include: unhealthy (high-calorie) diets and a sedentary life-style. Also, even though technology and other modern inventions have helped to make many laborious jobs more bearable, there is an irony in this. While modern technology has been conducive to better health, with the passing of time, it has also contributed to a sedentary life-style among many people. This includes children, who are spending longer times in front of the television, or with video games, smartphones, or other technological devices. Also, for adults, having a job that requires little physical activity, can contribute to a sedentary life-style.

In view of the foregoing, how can regular physical exercise help to improve our health and counteract the effects of a sedentary life-style? Many scientific studies have given credence to the value of regular physical exercise. For example, in an article by Ujunwa Atueyi, about “How to be happy and live a purpose-driven life . . . “ published in The Guardian newspaper of Monday, January 1, 2018, engaging in regular physical activity was top on the list among the steps listed on how we can boost our quality of life.

Although, regular physical exercise has its merits, a word of caution for all would not be out of place: Before deciding to engage in more vigorous exercises, it would be wise to consult a doctor, to ensure beforehand that the more vigorous exercise program that you are contemplating, would be suitable for you, considering your current state of health.

Also, according to an article entitled: “Are You Getting Enough Exercise?” published in the May 22, 2005 issue of Awake! magazine, page 7, (which you can access online at: ), drinking enough water is important during exercise. A part of the article reads: “Inadequate water consumption during exercise can be harmful. It can cause fatigue, decreased coordination, and muscle cramping. When you exercise, you sweat at a faster rate, and this can lead to a drop in your blood volume. If you do not replenish the water that is lost through perspiration, the heart has to work harder to circulate the blood. It is suggested that to avoid dehydration, you should drink water before, during, and after an exercise session. Staying physically active, along with proper nutrition and rest, is vital for good health. Let us, therefore, cherish our bodies as a gift from God, and strive to maintain a good routine of regular physical exercise. So, are you getting enough exercise? . . . If not, you can start doing something about it today!

Daniel Ighakpe, 7th Avenue, ‘O’ Close, House 20, FESTAC Town, Lagos, [email protected]