The virtuous woman

Social evils in contemporary societies have destroyed traditionally shared values and left people feeling a deep sense of unease. Some societies across the world have lost their moral compass, precipitating family breakdowns. With a society blighted by greed and selfishness, family life has been destroyed, due to unwelcome changes thrust upon it by pressure to […]

The virtuous woman
The virtuous woman

Social evils in contemporary societies have destroyed traditionally shared values and left people feeling a deep sense of unease. Some societies across the world have lost their moral compass, precipitating family breakdowns. With a society blighted by greed and selfishness, family life has been destroyed, due to unwelcome changes thrust upon it by pressure to modernise.

These days, women seem to neglect their duties in the simple pursuit of worldly things and in the process tend to indulge in the services of a housemaid to take up her responsibilities in the home. Little wonder we often hear the various intriguing stories of maids taking over control of the household and the husband completely from the madam of the house. Sometimes the pathetic tales we hear of some maids are often worrisome that we tend to ask if these women involved in such acts are actually women who are meant to show compassion and love to every human being. There are also tales of how the children of these so-called big women sleep around with the maids and expect them not to say a single word of escapades to anyone else. For how long will such atrocities continue to go on in our society and under our own very noses as women? As women would we be happy if such ordeal should befall any of our daughters, we need to be realistic when dealing with housemaids, because they are also human beings.

The society depends on women to cultivate into our kids characteristics that would be of great benefit to the society. But this is not the case today. The social ills of the society seem to be on the increase as most women have neglected their virtuous nature to pursue worldly wealth and gains. Parents, especially women, are concerned about appearance, social standing and money.

Parents directly or indirectly teach values to the kids. When you leave your kids to the care of maids what morals do we intend them to learn? We as mothers should be teaching morality and character to our kids, primarily by exemplifying these virtues in our own lives as parents.

As the saying goes it takes two to tango, we would need both hands in order to clap. So is it important for all women to have virtue in their lives for the world to be a better place. However if all women are of great virtue, there would be peace in the family and peace in the nation and society as a whole.

A woman of virtue would place the welfare of her family in her heart and would not leave it in the hands of a maid. It is amazing how some women even neglect the kitchen to the maids to also do the cooking for their husbands. A woman of virtue knows what is morally right and wrong. She will definitely do what is morally right. A woman of virtue knows the meaning of ethics and she follows her principles of life.

A woman of virtue is not greedy, she follows her own code of ethics and she does not succumb to defeat easily.  A woman has virtue when she cares for her family, friends and others with her incredible strength of purpose, selflessness and loving care. All these for the well-being of each and every one of them.

A woman of virtue knows when to say no and she has a great sense of discernment. The virtuous woman is a woman of strength, though a weaker being she is made strong by wisdom, grace and fear of God. A woman of virtue is one that strives to be for her own good and for the love of the nation, so as to attain peace and harmony in the families. If there were more virtuous women in the world, then there would be a more fulfilling family life and parents would feel marital bliss too.

A virtuous woman does not relegate her duties to the maid and she also sees to it that even if she has a maid that the rights of the maid are not trampled upon either by herself or by her children in any way. As women we know the pains of child birth and we should have it at the back of our mind that it is circumstances that made the maids to be where they are today and no one knows where he or she can be tomorrow.  The phrase grass to grace and grace to grass should always be at the back of our minds, because definitely no condition is permanent in this world, so it is better to be good to those you meet on your way up the ladder as you do not know if you would meet them on your way down the ladder.

The decline in family values is one of the very strong factors of the increasing social ills. These leave the young ones vulnerable to all the negative vices in the society because they are often seen as the perpetrators of these evils rather than their victims. There is a growing gap between us as mothers and our young ones, which leads to lack models for the young ones. You can retrace your steps and make the society a better place to live in. This can start with you!

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