The vista called compromise

To be able to make it in life, there is need to compromise once there is a justification for that. In life there are occasions when we have to take decisive decisions. One of the things which tend to agitate our mind while taking a decision is whether or not we are about compromising. Most […]

The vista called compromise
The vista called compromise

To be able to make it in life, there is need to compromise once there is a justification for that. In life there are occasions when we have to take decisive decisions. One of the things which tend to agitate our mind while taking a decision is whether or not we are about compromising. Most of the time and because of how complex we are, we forget what a compromise is or all about. Compromise happens when we fail to achieve the standards we set for ourselves. On the other hand we probably might have unknowingly set a high standard for ourselves.

There is a point of view which says nothing is out of reach, that is one. Two, is it reasonable or realistic for one to stick to a particular path, no matter what, given that such part is not workable while there are probably better alternatives? Even if nothing is impossible, should one spend too much time unnecessarily to achieve a desire? Sticking religiously to one way of doing things is not only frustrating, but retrogressive. So, compromise is a vista that leads to progress and the achievement of set goals.  

Life is never perfect and is far from being perfect! We might have something planned but comes crashing down on us. If we must continue to chase the objective, it only behoves that we make new plans. We might not all be as lucky as some people who have their plans rolled out and achieve results based on the plan.

Those of us whose plans do fail have no option than to compromise if things must work for us. One can never be too sure that our plans are iron cast, so the best way to be able to move ahead in life in case of any eventualities is to make compromises and be prepared for any situation without letting any failures bring us down.

 Compromise is something we all eventually have to discover as one of the pillars of sustaining life.  Compromise involves two parties and one giving up something they want for the benefit of another, but nowadays you find out that compromise is being neglected especially by many because they feel if they compromise they are giving up their right and this starts to be the beginning of crisis in whatever situation they find themselves.

Compromise is not the easiest thing in the world to do. For those who are married – well, compromise sounds pretty on paper but it is one that you must be willing to adopt and make use of in your life for things to go on smoothly.

How do you achieve a compromise without resentment? First and foremost, understand that agreeing to disagree is sometimes an option – but if you do agree to disagree – don’t hang onto any anger or resentment.

We have all heard a million times and more that marriage or any other relationship is about give and take. In a relationship, it is not always possible for either persons or parties to have their way. Therefore, sometimes one person gives and the other takes. Of course this works much better if both people get to experience both the giving and the taking.

Compromise is not about giving up but about doing things in another different way and format to see to the possibility of a better outcome. Compromise has become a very necessary in most of our dealings in life. It is important to realize that without compromise arguments could flare up easily and feelings of resentment could set in thereby bringing a wedge between whoever it is we have failed to reach a compromise with. Compromise is like finding a common ground where you have to have a balance in your life to be able to forge ahead in life.

Compromise is a game of life; we all have to do it at different stages in our lives. One can never live alone in a society, so when you have to live a with others there has to be a certain amount of give and take, like they say live is lived for a while, so true that one has to make the best of it. Adjustment and compromise in life is the same for everybody as long as it is things will be balanced up. So one can safely say that life is one big compromise for all!