The world is better with multilateralism

By Olalekan A. Babatunde   Going by the increasing disposition to unilateralism, it is easy to assert that the world is inclining more towards self-seeking as against the promise made at the end of World War II in the establishment of the United Nations. That pledge among nations was to pursue common goals through cooperation […]

The world is better with multilateralism
The world is better with multilateralism

By Olalekan A. Babatunde


Going by the increasing disposition to unilateralism, it is easy to assert that the world is inclining more towards self-seeking as against the promise made at the end of World War II in the establishment of the United Nations. That pledge among nations was to pursue common goals through cooperation and selflessness. After seven decades, the promotion of peace and security, eradication of poverty, diseases, illiteracy, unemployment, inequality, illegal migration and other challenges bedevilling humanity have not been won. Instead, nationalism, populism, protectionism, minority supremacy and the likes are becoming the existing world order. Other multilateral frameworks are not fair either. 

We are now experiencing socio-political phenomena such as “make America great again”, individualism, unilateralism, “vaccine diplomacy”, “Brexit” and now “Polexit” appears loading by Poland with its defiant tone in the EU clash. Nevertheless, there is a nuanced method to approach multilateralism if the world is going to be better to deliver on its promises especially for Africa and other developing worlds in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and the Pacific. That approach has been consistently demonstrated by one nation through its multilateral actions in kindness and courage. That country is China that has shown the ability to coordinate diplomatic interaction of more countries than any in international politics in many strategic areas of the world – foreign, security, peace, technology, development, investment, and so on.

Therefore, when President Xi Jinping was speaking at the conference marking the 50thAnniversary of the Restoration of the Lawful Seat of the People’s Republic of China on 25 October 2021, he indeed underscored why the nations should build “a community with shared future for mankind, and work together to build an open, inclusive and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity.” For keen watchers of global events, one would see how multilateralism with the Chinese characteristics is giving tangible meaning to the concept and practice of multilateralism. It has made multilateralism a central element of its foreign policy by seeking consensus through consultation and managing common affairs through cooperation for shared benefits and win-win results. 

The strategies of China’s foreign policies to what the UN stands for in the last 50 years have been geared towards dedicating to improving the welfare of all humanity and achieving global development through building multilateral cooperation and understanding. Altruism, pragmatism and consistency that are at the core of multilateralism are essentially the epitome of China and intrinsic parts of its relations with the world. China is committed to its allies and partners and has rendered consistent, enduring and reliable support to the organisation.  These qualities are worth examining. 

First, there is no single country that has more bilateral and multilateral relations than China. As at 2021, there are about 140 countries (including 40 African countries) that have signed up with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), one of the successes of globalisation that is designed to provide infrastructure development and trade investment round the world. The initiative is quietly building a human community of shared destiny and prosperity. As at today, China is a member of all international intergovernmental organisations and over 500 international conventions. 

Devoid of imperialist past and colonial legacies, China has risen from isolation to become a world power. It has demonstrated adaptive strategies to accommodate, integrate and work within local environments and realities. A nation of one-fourth of the world’s population (1.4 billion) has leaped from low productivity to become the second-largest economy in the world by adopting reforms and opening up in pursuance of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This enamoured nations, institutions, groups and individuals seeking to achieve the development goals across different continents and regions with China.

Secondly, China has promoted global peace, tolerance and inclusion than any other country. As a non-belligerent country and as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, it has stayed true to the principles of the UN Charter by standing in solidarity and cooperation with people around the world and upholding international equity and justice, contributing significantly to world peace and harmony. According to President Xi Jinping in his UN speech “…the Chinese people have upheld the authority and sanctity of the United Nationsand practised multilateralism,and China’s cooperation with the United Nationshasdeepened steadily.”

Due to its foreign policy of non-interference in host country, China promotes peace by resolving political conflicts through peaceful means and safeguards sovereignty, security and development interests. China has sent over 50,000 peacekeepers to UN peace operations in Africa and other regions. It is now the largest financial and personnel contributor to the UN and applied the universality of human rights in the Chinese context. 

Third, China is promoting humanitarian assistance through multilateral actions. In the ongoing global battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, many developed nations are looking inward and initiating vaccine diplomacy. But China, in accordance to the promise and principles of the UN, has been active in sharing its experience with the world and rendered large quantities of medical and material supplies like preventive kits, medicines, doctors and nurses and vaccines. Africa is an esteemed beneficiary of this gesture.

By extending its hand of fellowship to Africa, China has promoted cooperation through multilateral platforms like the BRI, BRICS (with South Africa) and Forum of China and China Cooperation (FOCAC). Many people have walked out of poverty, unemployment, diseases and ignorance through assistance unleashed by development infrastructure and trade investments by China. Roads, railways, bridges, dams, hydroelectric and alternative energy plants, airports, ports, free trade zones and others are built to open up development opportunities. 

China has helped African countries to self-determination. China’s presence in the Security Council not only represents unity and balance of power but also safeguards the interests and rights of developing countries. 

Likewise, for all the good deeds of China as a responsible multilateral power, the Secretary General, Antonio Guterres while congratulating China for the past 50 years, also thanked China for upholding multilateralism for supporting the UN’s work and playing a major part and making significant contributions to promoting world peace and development.

The world should emulate the Chinese model of multilateralism if it is going to overcome the myriads of global challenges and issues. As the world is transiting the pandemic and economic recessions, no country can thrive in isolation but through solidarity and cooperation in pursuit of common goals. In Africa in particular, multilateral and regional cooperation can be broadened and deepened to fight the most critical problems bedevilling the continent – terrorism, hunger, poverty, injustice, inequity and other drivers of crimes and underdevelopment. Africa has a lot to connect more to multilateral platforms that China provides to achieve the AU’s 2063 Agenda. 

While reiterating the universality in approach in his closing remarks at the UN Conference, President Xi called on the world saying “we should resolutely uphold the authority and standing of the United Nations and work together to practice true multilateralism.” The world should embrace multilateralism with kindness and courage.

 Dr. Babatunde is a Fellow, Peacebuilding & Evidence Practitioner at the Nigeria’s Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Abuja.