These killings must stop

Northern Nigeria, a region blessed with vast arable land and productive population has become a shadow of its self because of incessant t killings. How did this region get to this state? In the early 60s and late 80s, the North was synonymous with agriculture and hospitality. The region was the food basket of the […]

These killings must stop

Northern Nigeria, a region blessed with vast arable land and productive population has become a shadow of its self because of incessant t killings. How did this region get to this state? In the early 60s and late 80s, the North was synonymous with agriculture and hospitality. The region was the food basket of the nation. It enjoyed peace and people of diverse ethnic groups lived together. So, what changed?    Today, Northern Nigeria is characterised by poverty, illiteracy, ethnic/ religious intolerance, extremism, rustling and banditry. We need to trace the origin of these problems so that they can be tackled. 

The region can regain its lost glory and overcome the multiple challenges if our political leaders close rank and work together.

Ibrahim Mustapha Pambegua wrote from Kaduna State.