Think before you speak

Everyone uses words to communicate. Some of us love to use words but forget that these words which we use on daily basis could either make or mar someone’s day or even life.  We can use words to give others hope. We can use words to give others joy. We can use words to tell […]

Think before you speak
Think before you speak

Everyone uses words to communicate. Some of us love to use words but forget that these words which we use on daily basis could either make or mar someone’s day or even life.  We can use words to give others hope. We can use words to give others joy. We can use words to tell others how much we love them. We can use words to tell others we accept them and we forgive them.

Words come out naturally to most of us and we tend to say it just as it is. Our world is filled with words of encouragement, hatred, ego, greed and even death (literally). “On most occasions, our words are uttered without any conscious thought and without weighing the consequences of our words.  Most times we hardly stop to think of the consequences of the words we are about to utter or what we are uttering to the next person. The words we utter out could add to the essence of living to someone and on the other hand it could also cause the death of someone emotionally,” says Fatima Hassan a teacher.

Speaking without first weighing the consequences or even damming the consequences if we are aware before we speak is one guilty aspect of our lives. This keeps propping up even as we try very hard to put an end to it. We should not forget that our words make or mar us.

Muhammed Kamal a human resource personnel, said “an important key to success in life is to understand the power of the words we utter. A thought spoken has more power and can never be taken back once said. Most people that have been successful in their marriage and workplace are those that have learnt to take control of their tongues instead of their tongues taking control of them. Yes, women are the guiltiest culprits in this. They allow their words to take control of them. When they are angry they allow their words take control of them and just go on talking and eventually say things that will forever regret. Whoever those despiteful words must have been said to could forgive but can never forget because words are like arrows once said they pierce right at the heart” he said.

Successful people understand that they have and need to speak positively rather than negatively in order to see success. Successful people are characterized by the words they utter and know the importance of speaking words that build relationships and possibilities instead of destroying them.

In the holy books we have been warned that for whatever word we speak we will be called to account for them. Words we have said consciously or unconsciously. “Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account therefore on the Day of Judgment, your words you shall be you shall be justified or condemned” says the holy books. Thousand s of words come out of our mouths on a daily basis but we are however oblivious of the negative effects of some of these words have on us and those around us.

There is great power in the words that we utter but we do not realize it. Neither do we usually put it to great use. It is said that words are so powerful that when repeated with emotion, they tend to bring out another side of us.

The words we speak one way or the other comes back to us if not immediately sometime later in life. The words we say can store up treasures or disasters for us.  Never speak anything that you do not wish to have manifested in your life. For example most people when they are annoyed tend to say nasty  words when trying to caution a child like ‘he is stupid or that he will never amount to anything in his life’ these things you say might just come to pass, you never can tell.

The bottom line here is to think before we speak. So, what kind of words will you send out today and in the days to come, that alone if left for you to decide?