This is not my child (II)

We said last week that the enemy likes to switch your child with something God did not give you and that you must notice the slightest change in character in your child and when you do, contend for your child in prayer. Here is the concluding part. Their God-Given Purpose Your child is unique. So […]

This is not my child (II)
This is not my child (II)

We said last week that the enemy likes to switch your child with something God did not give you and that you must notice the slightest change in character in your child and when you do, contend for your child in prayer.

Here is the concluding part.

  1. Their God-Given Purpose

Your child is unique. So unique, in fact, that God has a specific purpose for their life that no one else can fill exactly as they can. Each child is wired differently than the others. They have strengths, gifts and abilities that are uniquely theirs and that align with their God-given calling in life. Your job as a parent is to help nurture those passions and cultivate a desire in their hearts to use them in the greatest way possible for the cause of Christ. This cannot happen easily apart from the power of prayer.

Pray: Father, let our children discover your specific purpose for their lives; help them to align with your calling for them. Let them use their gifts and passions in the greatest way possible, in Jesus name.

  1. Their Children

As you pray for your kids, pray in advance for their future kids, your grandchildren, because they will be raised by the kids you are raising right now. How well they do as parents in the future will greatly reflect how well you’ve done now. So, parents pray now as if your grandchildren’s lives depended on it, because well…they do. Remembering that we are raising the future generation of parents ought to inspire us.

Pray: Father, I pray for our grandchildren and great grandchildren, that they will be saved; that they will walk in your ways. I pray for them that they will serve your purpose and be shining lights to their generation. I pray that they will all be great according to your promise, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Sadly, many parents only begin to pray for some of these things once their children start to go astray, or start a relationship that they don’t approve of, or make life-changing decisions that scare them, and all of a sudden, they’re driven to their knees in prayer.

Here’s a better idea… Don’t wait. Pray now. Before you need to. And then enjoy watching your children reap a lifetime of the benefits.

After They Are Born, Prepare Them

You must prepare your children to succeed in life. The best way to prepare them is not by giving them sweets, chocolate, ice cream, or getting them fancy clothes or toys only. You prepare them by investing prayer, seeds, the Word of God in their lives. You must teach them godly and moral values long before they need them. You must teach them how to depend on God; how to set goals, develop big visions and the other principles of success.

  1. Change Your Confession

Confess the word of God over that child as you pray until you have your child back. A woman was always cursing her son because he had joined a gang of bad boys and started behaving badly. She told me this was not the son she delivered; I agreed and told her to change her confessions concerning the boy and to stop saying those bad things about him. It was difficult at first but she got into it with the help of the Holy Spirit. That boy came home after three months apologizing profusely for his bad behaviour; saying he did not know what came over him.

Children are a heritage from the Lord. They are wonderful gifts from God. They belong to God and given to you to raise and pointed in the right direction.

  1. Raise Them Positively

Honour them by not attacking their character. Correct their behaviour but don’t attack their character. Say for instance, “That behaviour was bad but you are an ambassador and ambassadors don’t behave like that.”

Teach them to be respectful. Give them godly values. Teach them to honour God; to read memorize and practice the word of God. Teach them to pray. Teach them to tithe and sow seeds.

Teach them good manners.

Watch their friends and the company they keep.

They will grow up to be a reward for you.

  1. Protect Them By Disciplining Them

Absalom was never disciplined by David his Father; the Bible says he never asked him why are you doing so and so; he never corrected him; not even once! Look what he turned out to be: a monster who deposed his Father!

  1. Defend And Rescue Them In Prayer

God did not give you a sickly child. You must contend for the health of that child until he or she is healed and begins to live in divine health.

God didn’t give you a failure for a child. You must contend for the destiny of that child in prayer until he becomes what the scripture expects him or her to be. You must contend for the education of that child that is not doing well in his or her studies.

  1. Start Early

Don’t join the world to attack him or curse him; rather pray for him! Don’t wait until he becomes a criminal or wayward before you start crying or praying for him. Start from when they are in the womb. Sow seeds for their future. If Satan went after young Jesus he will not consider any child too special not to go after. Be watchful over your children!

In the same vein, you should fight for your business, ministry, your marriage, etc.

God will give you back your child as you persevere in prayer and positive confession over his or her life in Jesus name! Your child is not dead and he is coming back in Jesus name!

“If every parent would pray for their child as fervently over the course of 18 years as they do in the heat of the moment, it could literally change their child’s life.”

Make it a priority today to take the time you need to pray for your kids individually and specifically, by name. Pray these five things over their lives, and watch God unfold the details.

“Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”  Philippians 4:6

Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.