This silent evil

I picked the call reluctantly because I didn’t know the number and it was just after Magrib, the sunset prayer. I usually prefer to spend such a time in supplication and recitation because I want to remain seated there till I payed isha’I, the evening prayer. In other words, I like to observe the highly […]

This silent evil

I picked the call reluctantly because I didn’t know the number and it was just after Magrib, the sunset prayer. I usually prefer to spend such a time in supplication and recitation because I want to remain seated there till I payed isha’I, the evening prayer. In other words, I like to observe the highly recommended daily I’itikaf, if I can help it. But the anonymous call persisted and I was forced to answer.
‘Yes’ I said unhappily, hoping to end the call sooner than later.
‘Hajiya Bint, this is Ladidi. Just wish to say goodbye to you because I am leaving.’ She explained quickly ‘Leaving for where?’ I asked after recognizing the voice of my new neighbour Ladidi.
‘I am leaving for home. My marriage is over but I can’t leave without bidding you farewell. You have been like a sister to me.’ She explained.
‘Please don’t go anywhere Ladidi, let me come over and hear what this is all about.’ I offered.
‘No, please don’t bother Hajiya, there is really no need. My husband and I have agreed this is the best thing to do.’ She added. But just that moment I heard a man’s voice in the background saying.
‘You liar, speak for yourself. You know I have nothing to do with your decision to end our marriage. You just wish to dodge a problem you created for yourself.’ The voice accused. At that moment I simply put my phone off and went out of my room intending to go to their house.
In my haste I didn’t even hear Tahir opening his bedroom door until he said:
‘And where are you going in such a rush?’
‘To our neighbours’, the young couple in the next apartment block.’ I replied.
‘I see, and did you bother to check the time?’ He asked with irony.
‘Yes, in fact I had no wish to leave home at this hour. You know I always observe my mini I’itikaf now. But they seem to have an emergency and I need to be there.’ I explained.
‘And if I hadn’t seen you I probably won’t even know you had gone until you return. One of these days we are going to have our own emergency Bint. And it will be caused by nothing other than the way you take me for granted. Then we will see how many people will be rushing here to help you solve it.’ He predicted, walking towards the parlour.
‘But I planned to tell you, in fact I was going to look for you in the sitting room, where I knew you always stay around this time unless you decide to wait for isha prayer at the mosque.’ I answered, in my defence.
‘Did you really? Did you even remember that I exist, let alone the need to ask my permission?’ he queried, with a hint of humour.
‘Yes I did hubby dearest and that was why I was rushing to seek you before I go to Ladidi’s house.’ I replied conciliatorily, with my hand on his arm.
‘Ok then. Best of luck. Someone should really make you the Agony Aunt of the neighbourhood.’ He joked.
‘Thanks, I will be back soon in sha Allah.’ I replied, walking out.
Ladidi’s suitcases were already by the doorway when I arrived at the house.
‘What is this about?’ I asked, as soon as she opened the door for me.
‘I have to leave Hajiya, it’s the only solution to our problem.
Otherwise he will send me mad. He is always accusing me of one thing or another.’ Ladidi answered while still standing by the door.
‘Well then let’s go in. I need to hear everything, especially what your husband has to say.’ I ordered.
‘But you don’t need to do that Hajiya Bint. He will just poison your mind with his ridiculous suspicions.’ She protested.
‘Well let me be the judge of that. All I want is for you two to talk to me together.’ I insisted, walking ahead of her into the sitting room.
‘Where is he?’ I asked, looking around the room.
‘Maybe he is back in his room, I told you we don’t need to talk to him. We both agree that this marriage is a mistake.’ She alleged.
‘I heard him telling you to speak for yourself, when we were talking on phone. I’m not sure he is entirely with you on this.’ I countered.
‘And how right you are Hajiya. I am not at all with her on her decision to leave. I just went in to renew my ablution because it will soon be isha time. Good evening Hajiya, you are welcome to our home.’
He said respectfully.
‘Thank you. Please sit down you two so we can talk this over in a civilized manner.’ I advised. They sat down simultaneously but in the
farthest ends of the room. ‘So what is the problem?’ I asked.
‘She has become a drug addict and she won’t admit it.’ Abdul stated.
‘Didn’t I tell you he is busy spinning untruths and accusing me of wrongdoing?’ Ladidi asked, looking directly at me.
‘But why did you say this Abdul?’ I asked him.
‘Because I have seen enough evidence of that in this house. Every few days she will open a new bottle of Benylin with the excuse that she is having a cold. She takes it morning, evening and night. The other day I caught her taking it straight from the bottle, like someone taking a cold drink. That was when I tried to snatch it away from her and she went into tantrums, accusing me of being insensitive to her plight. I asked what her plight was and she said she was always lonely and depressed until she takes the drug which makes her feel better. I told her she had become an addict but she lost her temper and accused me of calling her names. This morning I was looking for something in the kitchen store and could not believe it when I saw almost a hundred bottles of Benylin lining a whole shelf in the store. I came out and asked her why. I told her that I didn’t buy her lonely and depressed theory because she has me and our two children, so we are enough to keep her company and make her happy. That was when I suggested that we should see a doctor so he can help her out with the addiction. But once again she went into tantrums and said I was looking for excuses to end our marriage. She began to pack her things and even started alleging that I may be seeing someone that was why I was trying to brand her an addict. By the time I returned from praying Magrib, she was all ready to leave. She instructed the nanny to bathe the children and then went ahead to phone you.’ Abdul concluded.
‘But he is right Ladidi, this is a clear case of addiction. You may have your reasons for feeling lonely and depressed but having almost a hundred bottles of Benylin in your store proves his case. You do need to seek help. Even your erratic behavior speaks volume about your present situation. You didn’t seem like the kind of person who throws tantrums easily but look at what he said now, about you losing your cool over every little thing.’ I lectured.
‘I did warn you that he will fill your mind with his ridiculous suspicions. See how easily he succeeded?’ Ladidi responded angrily.
‘But there is nothing suspicious about the bottles I saw, they are still there in the boot of my car. Yes, don’t look surprised, did you think I will throw them away, when you have made it clear to me that you will leave this house and deny everything I have to say? I kept them as evidence of your addiction. So if Hajiya wants, I can take her to my car and show her.’ He offered, looking my way.
‘No there is no need Abdul. Look Ladidi you are bringing your suitcases back into this house and going with your husband to an addiction specialist to seek help tomorrow. You can’t continue living in denial, otherwise you will be a danger to yourself and your children.
 If you really have emotional problems then talk them over with him or with your sisters but you will never find a solution at the bottom of the bottle, no matter how many you take. Please take my advice and seek help soonest. You are lucky he is ready to support you, be grateful and seize this chance to rid yourself of this silent evil.’ I urged. As she nodded her head in response, I could see the tears streaming down her face. At least she admits to having her problem.