Those questioning Buhari’s victory are challenging God’s authority — Bishop Ediwe

President Muhammadu Buhari’s victory at the presidential election is divine, hence those opposed to it are challenging “God’s authority” according to Christian preacher, Arch Bishop (Dr) Julius Ediwe. Dr Julius spoke at the second day of the ongoing Inter-Faith Clerics programme for the celebration of President Buhari’s victory held at the Unity Fountain, Abuja. Mr […]

Those questioning Buhari’s victory are challenging God’s authority — Bishop Ediwe

President Muhammadu Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari’s victory at the presidential election is divine, hence those opposed to it are challenging “God’s authority” according to Christian preacher, Arch Bishop (Dr) Julius Ediwe.

Dr Julius spoke at the second day of the ongoing Inter-Faith Clerics programme for the celebration of President Buhari’s victory held at the Unity Fountain, Abuja.

Mr Buhari of the All Progressive Congress (APC) was re-elected in the February 23 elections.

Bishop Ediwe claimed that Buhari’s victory was revealed when some Christian and Islamic clerics met in a 40-day prayer and fast prior to the polls.

The cleric, Provost of the South-South College of Bishops, was particularly critical of some naysayers in disguise as prophets who predicted defeat for the incumbent.

He, however, urged these critics not to oppose God’s choice and instead pray for the president.

“I won’t say I am surprised at the composition of the audience here. I would instead say I am moved to tears so much that I asked myself, could this be happening in Nigeria? Could a gathering of people from different faiths praying for a common goal happen here in Nigeria?

“God is indeed faithful to His word and His people. When it was declared here some months ago that the Lord revealed that President Muhammadu Buhari would emerge victorious at the polls, many doubted us and called us all sort of names. But we preserved.

“I, therefore, ask today been the 2nd day of the Thanksgiving and Salat Al-Shakur service that are we not sharing in the kingdom of light? In the same vein, in Surah Al-Baqara, 153, it is stated that “O ye who believe! seek help with patient perseverance and prayer; for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.”

“What does this tell us? It merely tells us on the oneness of God, and that was why we have been able to assemble here together and united in one voice, spirit, body and soul.

“Brothers and Sisters, let me make it clear here about statements coming from some supposed men of God describing the elections as rigged and not in the interest of the people. I am taken aback with such a statement, and in my capacity as the Provost of the South-South College of Bishops, I abhor such statement because God is not a man that He should lie.

“When it was revealed during the 40 days’ prayers and fasting that President Muhammadu Buhari would win the elections, where were they? Or are they insinuating that they have a monopoly of the Kingdom heritage?