Three in prison for raping 13 year old girl

A Katsina Magistrate court has remanded three persons in prison for allegedly raping a 13 year old girl (name withheld). The accused persons Aliyu Abubakar, 20, Ishaka Kabiru, 19, and Ibrahim Lawal, 20, all of Tundun Wada quarters, Funtua local government, Katsina state forcefully had sexual intercourse with the victim severally for two days after they […]

Three in prison for raping 13 year old girl

A Katsina Magistrate court has remanded three persons in prison for allegedly raping a 13 year old girl (name withheld).

The accused persons Aliyu Abubakar, 20, Ishaka Kabiru, 19, and Ibrahim Lawal, 20, all of Tundun Wada quarters, Funtua local government, Katsina state forcefully had sexual intercourse with the victim severally for two days after they locked her up in a shop belonging to one of them in Funtua town.

Police Prosecuting Officer, Inspector Kabir Mohammed said the trio were been charged with criminal conspiracy, abduction, wrongful confinement  and rape which are contrary to sections 97,273,257 and 283 of the penal code law.

The Presiding Magistrate, Fadila Dikko remanded the suspects in prison and adjourned the matter to March 20, 2017 for mention.

She ordered that the case file be sent to the state Ministry of Justice for legal advice.