Three magic words that count

I’m sorry, please and thank you.”Why are these words so difficult to say? Is it perhaps because they hold such power? Some people find it very hard to say they are sorry for whatever wrong they might have done to someone. Not only that, some others find it equally hard to say the word please […]

Three magic words that count
Three magic words that count

I’m sorry, please and thank you.”Why are these words so difficult to say? Is it perhaps because they hold such power? Some people find it very hard to say they are sorry for whatever wrong they might have done to someone. Not only that, some others find it equally hard to say the word please or thank you. They see themselves as above everything that they come across in carrying out their daily activities.

An honest` I am sorry, please or thank you’ can mend relationships, dissolve anger, soothe shattered pride or heal a broken heart. Meanwhile, avoiding these simple words may make relationships more strained — and it can reveal something negative about you. Being incapable of apologizing can be a real character flaw.

We take care to dress up in the latest trend and behave properly when in the midst of people and social gathering. However how many times have we bothered to thank those people who are not as opportune as we are who go about doing one or two things for us? When last did we speak with respect to the service boy who brings us tea or coffee in our offices? If you think the status of a person and their financial positions are reasons for you to behave politely to them then, you have missed the point.

Look through the biographies of most successful people in their various fields; they have one thing in common: they knew the power of these simple magic words and they applied it their dealings with people. There is this famous saying that “people might forget what you say or what you do, but they will never forget the way you made them feel.” This is a food for thought to pause and ponder over.

Generally as we grow up, we tend to feel that the use of these words is not necessary. We even do sometimes get the feeling of expressing them, but we find it difficult to do because it would hurt our ego. By not expressing these humbling words, you might be rude to others. Note that gratitude is the best attitude. These words have the power to induce the feeling of respect on the one whom you express it to; probably that is why the narrow minded rarely comprehend its power.

The point is that these magic words are gradually being extinct in our vocabulary, we need to remind ourselves that these expressions play a very important role in our daily communication and lives. Admitting a mistake by saying sorry helps build trust; by saying sorry you do not lose respect rather you gain more respect; respect needs to be earned rather than demanded. The best way to start teaching these magic words with young children is by using them yourself; young children love to model our behaviour be it good or bad. There have been times where a simple I am sorry, please or thank you would have made a difference in the world but it never did happen. Practice applying these gentle words to your daily language and you would be surprised what difference it will make in your entire life.

Harriet Beecher Stowe once said: “the bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and from deeds left undone.” Let us not give cause for anyone shed tears like that over our graves for our omission to use these magic words.