Three things patients want when nurses appear mean

In other clime, patients are said to be attended to in hospitals like kings and queens and are given treatment with ultimate care but many have experienced the other sides of treatment from nurses as they do their job with an alarming disrespect and other inhumane behaviours contrary to what their profession should portray. Many […]

Three things patients want when nurses appear mean

In other clime, patients are said to be attended to in hospitals like kings and queens and are given treatment with ultimate care but many have experienced the other sides of treatment from nurses as they do their job with an alarming disrespect and other inhumane behaviours contrary to what their profession should portray.

Many who had experienced these negative side of treatment confirmed that it is even worst among nurses in the public hospitals while those in the private hospitals comport themselves and behave in a civilised manner probably because of good remuneration and work environment.

As a result of ill-treatment, and the saying that the fear of nurses is the beginning of wisdom in Nigeria hospitals, the aggression has led many women to suffer in the hands of their caregivers, the nurses.

Many believe that these nurses know their jobs but they lack some important character traits such as good communication skills, empathy, respect, care, support, commitment and others which are important in their field.

It is on this premise that a foundation, Revamping Work Ethics supported by Accountability Lab organised a one-day workshop with the theme, “Workplace Ethics, Self-Management for nurses” to help them understand how to manage stress and still attend to their patients well.

The founder, Revamping Work Ethics, Bukola Ogunsina, while speaking at the workshop, said she was motivated into this course because of the negative experience she had with Nurses while her mother was hospitalised.

“I was not happy with their attitudes but along the line, I discovered that some of them behave the way they did because they were overstretched, stressed and on low welfare package.

“You will see a nurse doing the job of five nurses. I felt this is a gap and this is  not just my experience but a lot of people have one experience or the other and I thought of how we could help.”

She said the idea is to empower them because, “They are the heartbeat of healthcare and if we need the healthcare system of this country to be developed, we must empower nurses because they are the first people we meet when we come into the hospital and the last when we are leaving.

“Revamping work ethics is all about the service provider and Nurses fall into the category. We want to start with them first and see how we can move from here.”

The Director Nursing, Hospitals Management Board FCT, Grace Ileri represented by her deputy, Sariki Rose,  said nurses in Nigeria are trying their best despite the way the public views them adding that they are also trying all they can to redeem their lost image.

She said the workshop is timely adding that the lectures would help Nurses embrace whatever they can to redeem their image in their workplaces. “They will change their orientation and change their attitudes in service delivery.”

The director added that at their various hospitals, they will continue to give lectures that will help nurses in their work profession and encourage them to build good images for the profession beyond the perception of people about them.

“We know that not all nurses are wicked, bad, lack manners and other attitudes as perceived by many but we should understand that in any profession, you see the bad and the good.”

One of the participants at the workshop, a nurse with Bwari General Hospital, Kelvin Vonman said their orientation and training gives them an edge to do their work well adding that although, many in this part of the world perceive nurses in bad light and if they give in to that perception they may not give their best in rendering healthcare services to patients.

“We should understand that we  must be resolute to the fact of our callings to do good, save lives, alleviate the suffering of the sick and to foster a better life for everyone.”

The Lead Sponsor, Sabipediabookhouse and e-learning Platform, Anthony Nwagwuebo said nurses are the core people who make the health sector thrive.

“Without the nurses, the health sector does not exist; they are the first to see patients, they are the last to see patients, they are the ones that take care of patients, they are the one that administers drugs and stays with the patients 24 hours.”

He revealed three things patients want from a nurse: transparency, respect, and involvement, adding that patients want to be involved in their treatment, they want to know what happened when the doctor sees them, and others.